Chapter 4 - She is Here, She is Alive

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Seven years ago on July 14th 11:45pm

Izuku was sure everyone was asleep. Everyone was exhausted from packing their things for the month long summer break starting tomorrow.

He started to lug out his box filled with memories of when he was considered a half of a whole. He made a tradition to go through all the pictures in the album every evening of the fourteenth of every month till midnight.

He maintained this for eleven years so he wouldn't forget a single moment he had spent with his beloved sister. On the eve of their birthday he would also reminisce the memories with her toys and clothes from the past.

Grazing his right thumb over a picture of him, Katsuki, and Hizumi in the park playing heroes and villains, he hugged her favorite teddy bear with left arm. He heard someone knock on his door aggressively.

He stood up, reaching the door in two strides. He opened the door revealing the ash blond with his normal scowl painted on his face. "Ah Kacchan, is everything okay? It's pretty late."

"Hah! Shitty nerd I could ask you the same thing. What are you doing?" He glanced behind Izuku seeing the contents of the box sprawled on the bed. His attention went to Izuku's left arm. He recognized the teddy bear. After all, he was the one who gifted it to Hizumi when he was victorious in a game of ring toss at the summer festival at the tender age of six.

His ruby eyes softened, remembering the female Midoriya. "You both are eighteen huh. I wonder how she is."

Izuku flashed a bittersweet smile. "Yeh me too... wanna come in? I was just looking at the pics from when we used to play heroes and villains."

"Maybe another time nerd. Come with me, I-" Ugh I don't know why I have to do this. I really want to see the pictures. Tch, they owe me big time. "I need to show you something."

"Huh, okay. Give me one sec." Izuku decides not to question his cryptic words. He placed the teddy bear back on his bed and exited the door, following the prideful boy's lead. They head down stairs in comfortable silence.

When the elevator doors open on the first floor, everything is pitch black. "Uh Kacchan, what is going on?" Katsuki grumbled a few incoherent curses, heading towards the common room, and leaving Izuku in the dark, both literally and rhetorically.

Izuku hesitated but followed suit trudging through the hallway nervously. "Kacchan this isn't funny, what are we doing here?" The ash blond only smirked.

All of a sudden the lights flash on.


Izuku jumped, letting his quirk loose, green lightning surrounding his body, only for a moment. He calmed down and saw the entire class ecstatic to celebrate his birthday. He then took in the appearance of the common room which was engulfed in different shades of green of streamers and balloons.

Izuku became an emotional wreck; tears pooling, his eyes glistened with gratitude. "Thank you guys!" He presented a heartwarming smile that shone so bright it would've made the sun jealous.

They spent the next hour celebrating Izuku's birthday with games and cake. In the middle of a game of Twister, Izuku excused himself to take a call from his mother. He quickly went outside and stood on the porch by the steps. Katsuki stalked him quietly, he had a bad feeling about the incoming call.

"Hey mom." Izuku said cheerfully.

After listening to his mother's whimpers on the other side, a frown was displayed amongst his freckles.

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