Chapter 15 - Maybe

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Days turned into weeks until Hizumi was finally able to use her quirk to train again.

And throughout her recovery, Izuku started to micromanage her day to day life. From her training schedule, to her meal plans, he was her personal nurse of sorts, making sure she didn't push herself to reverse the healing process.

It frustrated Hizumi, her nerves frayed much like the ending of a worn out thread from the itch to work harder, to push harder. Because she knew how much the villains were planning, day in and day out.  How they weren't going to wait for her to heal to take her, to use her.

However, she tried to cooperate. For her brother's sake. She tried. She really did.

But his incessant paranoia, his overprotective tendencies were starting to boil over her agitation for not getting stronger. For not getting better.

So today, when Izuku pulled some punches, his attacks weaker, his tactics restrained and  more elementary than before, Hizumi glowered at him.

With a sneer from her lips and a shout from her throat she flared her quirk, the white flares licking up her arms.

Izuku widened his eyes, his lips dipping in a disappointed frown. "What are you doing?" He breathed out in ire, in worry, his teeth gritting from . "We're practicing hand-to-hand combat."

"We're not anymore." She spat, her flames coming out fiercer, the heat coming out in waves, shining bright like a star.

These past couple of weeks were hard for the hero. So hard that he'd hardened his resolve to be stricter on Hizumi, to be harsher. After her impulse, her bravado to go after the LOV, he couldn't trust that she'd keep herself in harm's way. He couldn't risk losing her again.

So came in his impeccable analysis mind, his flawless training regimen planning, where he could make the perfect schedule for her progress. So perfect that she'd heal and be able to train with no side effects to harm her body. But the thing is, these things, mending muscle, healing stabbed tissue, they take time.  They take time, immense care, and lots of delicate assistance.

The drawback, the obstacle laid in her similarity in him; she had no regard for her well being if it came to holding back when others may need help. Not only that, but she was also like their dear Kacchan; a heated temper with an ego for one's self worth.

Having one trait was one thing, but having both proved to be like an atomic bomb. Izuku knew this. He knew, and yet... the frustration, the stress from worrying for her safety, for her well being boiled over, scalding his rational and forcing him to lash out just as she did.

"You're being an idiot for using your quirk!"

It was a shout, a snarl embedded within, as it echoed against the walls of the open training facility.

And everyone froze, tens of hundreds of eyes all watching the twins lash out, all stupefied into an uncomfortable silence.

Did they just-

"Say that again!" It was Hizumi again, stomping towards his towering frame, her voice in a growl. "I dare you!"

And before he could retaliate, before she could punch him square in the face, dear Kacchan came to save the day, using his body as a human barrier between the two.

Katsuki hadn't seen much of what happened, only heard Hizumi lash out, a normal occurrence the past few days from her bubbling frustration. He understood her feeling, her sentiments of being forcefully held back because of personal anger. But when he heard the other Midoriya, the soft spoken, patient one scream out in just as nasty of a tone as hers, he was compelled to leave his office and stop the two before they did a full on brawl.

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