Chapter 25 - Such a Cool Team

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double update whattttt

heh might want some tissues handy ಥ_ಥ


Seven years ago, sometime in February

"Shift your center of gravity between kicks!"

A kick of a leg and Hizumi's balance toppled. She sneered, adjusting her posture as she faced her opponent.

"I told you to not go easy on me, Papa."

The man's gray eyes sparkled with mirth, his freckles that both his beloved children shared, stretched from the quip his daughter handed him.

"That'll be the last advice I give you then."

"Perfect," she smirked, launching herself forward with a punch.

He blocked it with his arm, using his foot to tuck behind her calf and pull her off balance again.

But her hands grabbed his shoulders, and she jumped up into a handstand above him before his foot could touch her.

While he gripped her wrists to throw her on the ground, gravity already provided momentum for her to land behind him, and she brought him down with her.

With him laying on the floor and her standing above him, she was about to deliver a punch square into his face.

He was fast though. And he rolled out of the way, her knuckles denting the cushioned floor beneath them.

Again they circled one another, both with their guards up as they gauged the other.

"That was good." He said.

"Of course it was. You taught me that."

He smirked, "I did, didn't I?" And he launched forward with a punch this time.

She ducked just in time, and her fist connected with his core.

He winced, "Not going easy are you, Sparks." He grabbed her wrist and kicked her in the chin.

They both took two steps back, him holding his stomach and her cradling her jaw in her hand.

She spit to the side with a grin, red splattering against the blue mats.

"Never thought to."

She never did. Her father was a legend on the battlefield. So ferocious and downright feral that he became a ghost story when he abandoned the field work and started to specialize in information collection.

However, fighting against him required not only physical prowess. It required wit. Intelligence to beat him. Virtually impossible. But everyone makes a mistake. Everyone has a weakness.

"How do you think he's doing?" She murmured with glossy eyes.

His eyes widened, his hand clenched by his side.

"Who?" He feigned ignorance, not noticing how she stalked him closer with subtle steps and heavy breaths.


And before he could react, she launched herself, punching him in the nose.

He gasped, tears unwillingly pooled on his waterline. From the pain in his face or from his heart he didn't know.

His eyes darted side to side, noticing the lack of dark green in his presence.

Then he heard a breath behind him, and he turned around as rapidly as he could.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞 𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕖 | Katsuki Bakugo x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ