Chapter 8 - Repercussions

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"Again." Hizumi said, her eyes glaring daggers at the young hero in front of her.

Haruto Todoroki, more well known as the Flame hero: Kagutsuchi or Tsuchi for short, graduated from UA only a year ago. He joined All Might agency a few months ago after transferring from Sir Nighteye agency.

Even though Mirio was an amazing mentor for the red-haired teen, he wasn't growing in terms of quirk versatility. With his quirk, fire-ball, he was only able to throw fire-balls of different sizes in a range of different levels of heat, but he wanted to grow and find a more unique way of using his quirk.

And Explosion Hero: Dynamight, was amazing when it came to training fire based quirks. To add on, Hero Deku was always so analytical of varying quirks that he single handedly helped Tsuchi learn he could mold his fire into different shapes.

He'd seen the new addition to the agency spar without quirks a few times with her twin, witnessing how she was always so close to winning. It was so enchanting watching those two spar that sometimes even the ash blond would watch them in silence, a small wistful grin plastered on his face.

So when Hizumi Midoriya requested to spar with him with the use of their quirks, he nearly stopped functioning from the sheer excitement.

What he wasn't prepared for was the fact she could throw his attacks right back. When the larger and hotter spheres of white flames surged back at him at full force the first time, he keeled over in shock.

Thank god his suit was fireproof.

And now the two had found a balance in their fight, both struggling to find the upper-hand.

It only took a dozen attacks from Hizumi for him to realize that she was holding back.

One thing to know about Tsuchi was that, much like Dynamight, he hated being underestimated.

So just like his explosive mentor, he yelled in frustrated rage. "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME!"

Hizumi's eyes widened at the familiar sentiment from the inexperienced hero. He looked nothing like Katsuki, but the fire in his hazel eyes looked just like the rubies she's seen since the age of four.

She smirked, rooting her stance for larger attacks, her fists clenching with her arms flexing the taut muscle.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" She yelled back, her tone more casual than his.

He grit his teeth. Of course she knew how to get under his skin; he'd seen her senselessly antagonize the ash blond hero, successfully extracting various amusing reactions from him. Now he understood why Katsuki was always blaring red whenever the greenette whispered in his ear.

Seeing Hizumi hold a more offensive stance than before, Tsuchi decided to wait it out so she could attack first. He didn't consider her patience and stubbornness to be more formidable foes than her provocations.

So after a minute of the two fire users standing at a silent impasse, Tsuchi attacked. He outstretched his arms one giant sphere of blue flames growing above his palms.

Her breath hitched at the sight of those familiar cerulean flames. She wasn't sure if she could handle that heat without succumbing to the chemicals they had injected in her. But when she saw the young hero's determined gaze, she couldn't deny him the climax of their fight. She just hoped that she would overcome her past to follow through with the fight.

After balancing the burning cerulean ball, he threw at her with all his strength, his muscles straining at the strain of the humongous thing.

She held her hands in front of her, her fingers stretched apart to absorb the fiery fuel.

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