"Don't mind if I do" he said as he walked over and sat down.

"It's nice to see you again Jiraiya" my mom said as she gave him a hug.

Why do we give everyone hugs, you might ask? Because we like hugs. We're a hugging type of family.

"Nice to see you too Kushina, looking good as always"

"Aw thank you so much, how is Tsunade?"

"Oh she's good, she's just on a trip as you know"

"Hopefully she's having fun, and not gambling to much" my mother said as she giggled.

My grandma Tsunade has bad luck with gambling, but she's addicted and can never stop herself. She's also in a lot of debt, both my grandma and grandpa are but they don't care about it.

"So, Jiraiya what was it that you needed to talk to us about" my dad asked

"Your family" he says looking at my mom for the most part.

"You mean Karin and Nagato?" I asked, we never talk about them.

"Yes son, as you know, we have family and there's something we need to discuss" my dad said, in a more serious voice.

"Oh, uh- ok" I don't really know what to think, was it bad or good? I knew we had other family, like Karin and Nagato. Hopefully nothing bad happened.

~Sasuke's POV~
It's hard trying to find the right time to ask if my family wants to go to the beach, everyone is talking to each other and I really don't want to bother anyone-

"Let's go to the beach this weekend!" My mother said.

I guess I don't have to do anything...

"Oh yes! That's sounds like a lot of fun!" Said Rin.
Rin has been here for awhile now, she's really close with Obito and Kakashi. Unlike Kakashi, Rin only comes to visit, basically everyday but at least it's not like she lives here. Kakashi never leaves, he shares a room with Obito and that's about it, he eats with us, cleans for us, cooks for us, goes shopping for us. It's almost as if he's a maid, just he's not getting paid.

I've heard that Kakashi has no family and that's why he stays with my cousins, I feel bad, I'd probably be in eternal rage if my whole family was gone. At least I'd have Naruto though.

"You wouldn't mind if we go to the beach right Sasuke?" My father asked, I could feel everyone staring at me.

"No that's fine, I'd be happy to go" I said trying to keep all the excitement in. I get to see Naruto!

"Good because we're going for you" said my father. He wasn't a big fan of the ocean and extremely hot weather. Usually when we go and do things that's outside, he hides in the shade.

"For me?" I asked. Did they hear my conversation with Naruto?

"Yes, Kushina called me earlier today and said they would be there, so I think it's a perfect opportunity for everyone to meet them, right?" My mother said, giving everyone a glance.

"Yes, I think I'm ready to meet this Naruto" Madara said as he got out of his chair.

"When are we leaving?" Asked Obito

"Tomorrow" she said giving everyone a smile, she knew this would bring some panic..

"Wait what!? Tomorrow!? I haven't even packed yet! And how long are we staying? You should tell us at least a day before, we still need groceries, beach stuff, snacks and-" Madara shouted, he hated being late to things or even a little unprepared, he liked to take his time. Before he could finish, Izuna had cut him off.

"Brother please calm down, it's not even 7:00 yet. We have time to go to the mall to get things, be patient. You have more than enough time to pack" he said as he stood by my mother.

"We'll be there from Friday to Sunday, and we're staying with the Uzumaki's in their beach house, it's quite nice" she said, relieved that Izuna had stepped in when he did.

"I would have told you sooner but the Uzumaki's tend to do things last minute, they never really plan anything out" she said giving Madara and awkward laugh. Hopefully he didn't see the Naruto's family as some unprofessional people, he hasn't even met them yet.

"Hmm ok, very well then. I'll be in my room packing. Izuna, take Obito, Kakashi, Itachi and Shisui with you. Go get the food and beach things that we need, I trust you won't forget anything" he said as he walked into his room.

"Well ok everyone, you heard the man" Izuna said as he grabbed the keys to his car.

"Wait! What about me?" I asked, did they forget about me or what?!?

"Well, don't you want to call Naruto and tell him the good news?" Said Itachi, walking out the door. He was right, I should call Naruto.

I walked into my parents room and grabbed my mother's phone and dialed Kushina's number, it rang for awhile but no one answered, it was way to early for them to be sleeping. I wonder if they are ok. I decided to dial Minatos number, and if he didn't answer then I would message Naruto off of my laptop.

"Hello?" I heard Minato over the phone, he sounded tired.

"Oh- uh hello Minato, it's Sasuke. Is Kushina and Naruto ok?"

"Uhm, yeah they're fine. They just got done speaking to Jiraiya, I'll call you back soon though ok?"

"Ok thank you" I said and hung up the phone. Hopefully they were ok, he didn't sound so happy just now.

"Sasuke? Are you ok?" I could hear my mother outside the door.

"Yeah I'm fine, Naruto couldn't talk right now though" I said, a bit sad since I couldn't tell him the news but I decided that maybe now wasn't the time.

"Well it's ok, how about we surprise him tomorrow?" She said as she opens the door.

"Yeah I guess that's ok" I was still sad though, even if I was going to surprise him, I still want to call him. I called him this morning and that was it. It's been too long and I needed to hear his voice.

"Don't be so sad, how about you go and pack for this weekend" she said giving me a pat on the head then kissing me on the forehead. I nodded and walked into the room, grabbed a slightly large bag, and put the things I needed into it.

~Naruto's POV~
Sasuke isn't going to like this.....

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