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A/N: The song above was what I was listening to when I'm writing this chapter, so play it if you want an extra angst.


A few days later at the Autobot's base.

Optimus was reciting something from the Covenant of Primus but his team were not buying into it, finding hard to believe the prophesy that was once considered a myth. Optimus explained it was due to the planet alignment hence the cause of awakening the dark prophesy.

All this time, Ioa was dozing off on the medical berth, which she claimed it as her personal resting spot if there was no injured bot on it. She was murmuring in her sleep as she tossed around.

"......Unicron...... attack....... Shadow...hurt......Lightblade...... stop..." Ioa mumbled in her recharge, unaware that a pair of blue optics was watching her and had heard her murmurs.

Optimus furrowed his optics, not understanding the sleeping femme's words.

'What does she mean by Unicron?' he thought, but decide to let the sleeping femme lie for now.

Meanwhile, the kids were showing Ratchet something funny which made the usually grumpy bot laugh, much to everyone's surprise. Jack offered to show the leader, who only gave a flat 'no'.

Dismayed, the kids returned to doing their stuff only to be told by Ratchet to not take Optimus's words seriously, and explained that the stoic bot was once like Jack.

The sleeping femme suddenly woke up, cradling her helm as she winced and cried out in pain, startling everyone as she knelt on the floor, dentas gritted.

"AHH!" Ioa cried, making everyone rushed over her to check up on her, but she backs away as she called out the leader in agony.

"OPTIMUS!" Ioa wailed out, tears leaking as the leader came forward and laid a servo on her, trying to get her to calm down.

"Ioa! I'm right here, please open your optics!" he pleaded, to which Ioa responded by onlining her optics slowly in pain, speaking softly as she does so.

"Optimus... danger...pain...Earth...chaos..." she said, holding her helm to ease the pounding in her helm. The Autobot leader tries to piece together what the hurting femme was trying to say, only to have her gasp loudly, her optics widened and dermas trembling as she spoke.

"Decepticons..." she trailed off, optics glistening with coolants from the pain. Not a second after she spoke did they receive a transmission from Fowler, who was addressing the situation about the Decepticons' act on stealing a particle collider, plasma injector, neutron shield tesseract, which were all components for building a spacebridge.

The only thing missing now is-

"AMPLE POWER SOURCE!" Ioa spoke up suddenly before continue groaning in pain, startling everyone. Ratchet and Optimus only nodded in reply while the former was keeping a close optic on her.

The leader and Fowler were still in discussion to where the Decepticons might target, which turns out to be in a US military land.

"Easy Ioa. You're transmitting far too high frequency in brainwave activity, all while you're online and not in stasus! Please rest yourself or you are going to fry a circuit!" Ratchet pleaded; doctor mode turned on as he monitored Ioa's spiking brainwave activity although she is awake.

"Agent Fowler, please evacuate all humans from vicinity. We cannot condone any human casualties." Optimus firmly said. The Autobot liaison begrudgingly agreed after his suggestion of sending in the military was shot down by the Prime. The bots got ready to groundbridge when Ioa spoke up, halting the team.

More specifically, Optimus.

"Optimus... Megatron... will be there..." Ioa weakly responded as she was lying down again on the berth, her throbbing helmache and body heating up was getting worse.

"Understood. Rest well Ioa." Was all Optimus said before leaving with the team.

Ioa turned to look at Ratchet.

"Ratchet...Bumblebee...?" Ioa asked. Ratchet only gave her a reassuring nod.

"It's alright Ioa, he took Raf out on a drive I believe." Ratchet said, making Ioa's dreading feeling became worse as she screeched.

"NOOO!!" She wailed as she fell off the berth, limping weakly as she wanted to go and pick them back. The old doc bot was holding her back, she was in no shape to go out.

"Stay down Ioa, for the love of Primus! What is going on?!" Ratchet demanded.

"DEAD! ThEY ArE GOIng TO DIE!!" Ioa was glitching between Shadowglyde and Lightblade as she was now shaking, her senses were blaring loudly in her mind as she struggles to cope with it.

"GETttt THem OuT OF ThErE!"


Somewhere on the road, Ioa's assumption was proven correct when Megatron blasted Bumblebee off road. The youngest human child laid lifelessly in his car seat.


Back at the Autobot base, Ioa was trying her best to calm down and not go berserk as she tries all the standard procedure of calming the frag down. The usual take a deep intake and think happy thoughts were all thrown in as she struggles to stabilise herself.

'Calm the frag down Ioa! Calm down calm down-' was Ioa's thought as she tries to drown the pain down, deleting all the negative files from her processors. Lightblade and Shadowglyde were not feeling good at all.

The groundbridge opened revealing a panicked Arcee with an injured Bumblebee holding a lifeless Raf. The kids cried out in alarm as Bumblebee set the boy down on the gurney.

 Ratchet tries to help only to realise he does not have the means to do so.

"Scrap! My tools, they are all wrong!" Ratchet hollered in anguish. Jack offered to call in his mother due to desperation. The boy's mother drove via the groundbridge and swiftly got out, ordering her son to get the medical kit as she went to check on Rafael. The lady's warning clear to everyone that if she does not get Raf stabilise, he will die.

Bumblebee beeped in anger and pounded the wall behind him before Arcee tries to make him calm, telling him to keeps his emotions in check for everyone, for Raf.

Weakly, Ioa shifted into a human as she ran to June's side, assisting the nurse as they try to stabilise the child. If June was surprised, she didn't say anything.

She could not, not with Raf's life on the line.

Ratchet very much wanted to decline and force the weak femme back into resting, but one murderous look from Ioa's eye made this very thought disappear as she went to give a helping hand to the nurse. After all, she was the only bot that can turn into human AND know enough knowledge on human anatomy.

Ratchet received a comm from Optimus, the leader inquiring on the unconscious Raf, to which Ratchet could not respond with a clear answer to. They all were worried for Raf. Optimus requested for a groundbridge, but only for Bulkhead to pass through. The leader was staying back in the Nemesis.

Optimus needs to end this fight, once and for all.

A/N: Ah yes angst everyone Enigma is in a fragging hurting mood now. 

IDK about yall but I'm now in pain and writing the chapter with the song I provided above DID NO HELP TO DROWN MY PAINNNN-

All that aside, I  hope yall liked the chapter, because Enigma now hates herself hahaha pls end me-

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting everyone! As always, stay safe and healthy! Enigma signing out!

*Proceeds to cry in her pillow*

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