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ENTRY: 2/5/2021

Everyone was shocked, obviously. Who wouldn't? But now is NOT the time.

Ratchet was the first to snap out of trance, quickly getting the medbay ready as he barked orders around.

"Optimus! Get her on the medical berth! Bumblebee, energons now! Stat!" he said as Optimus carried Lightblade onto the birth. They then only realised that they were too late, she had already been attacked. Energons leaking out her shoulderplates and peds as countless bite marks were seen behind her back.

Ratchet hooked her up with the energon drip as he tries to stabilize Ioa, Optimus being his assistant. Everyone was silent as they dared not to get in the medic's way, watching by the sidelines as Ioa's life signal beeped weakly. Ratchet, with the help of his old friend managed to stop the bleeding as he cauterised her wounds and wielded them back, closing her wounds up.

After a long excruciating 30 minutes, Ioa was finally stabilised. She was in stasis mode and laying motionlessly on the medical berth as everyone and everybot looked at her worriedly. Ratchet could only thank Primus that he managed to save her life. "Thank Primus she is finally stabilised! Any later and I'm afraid she would have joined the Wells of Allspark!" he said, rubbing his optics tiredly as Optimus patted him on his back.

"Many thanks to your expertise old friend." He said. Ratchet denied, shaking his helm as he looked at Lightblade. "I think we should all be grateful we had Ioa and the kids on a Saturday. The kids were fast to act and Ioa took care of the scraplets at ease. Almost like... she was used to it." He said, horrible suspicion dawning upon him as Optimus nodded, guessing his old friend's mind.

"I believe she was force to do these dirty works during her time at the Decepticons. She was their service bot after all." Optimus said. Everyone was quiet as they saw Ioa's signal returned normal as she onlined her optics, soft whines and groans escaped her dermas as she tried to sit up, only to be halted by Ratchet.

"EP EP EP! Stay. Back. Down! You're in no position to sit up after that stunt Ioa!" He scolded Ioa. "What were you thinking? Your energon intakes were dangerously low, you could've offlined! Couple that with severe scraplets attack and harsh temperature change, Primus are you trying to join the Wells of Allspark? Because I swear, you're doing a splendid job!" He continued, making Lightblade smile wearily as she apologised. "S-Sorry Doctor... S-Standard p-protocols... Scraplets... programmed t-to do s-so..." she said as she smiled, knowing Ratchet meant well. Ratchet could only sigh and check her status as she laid there quietly, optics half closed.

Optimus walked up to her side and spoke softly. "That was very dangerous Ioa, risking yourself like that. We are all very thankful for your help, but know that you need to exercise better judgement than to put yourself in danger." He said and smiled softly, gripping her servos softly before letting it go. Ioa smiled sheepishly, not used to the attention.

She was used to being sent to face all these things, so she wasn't afraid about her safety; she was more afraid of the consequences if she failed.

Bulkhead spoke as he was finally out of trance. "Where'd ya learned that? The equipment? Did you guys see that? She just opened a groundbridge and send those wretched creatures off, how cool was that?" he rambled, his charge nodded along. "What he says!" she agreed with her charge. The other bots and kids could only nod in agreement and look at Ioa, waiting for an explanation. Ratchet was about to get mad that they were disturbing his patient, but she just shakes her helm, assuring him it was okay. With the help of Optimus, she sat up straight as she leans on him for support, which he lets her without hesitation.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worried, I was programmed to handle these kinds of things so I acted out of cable memory. The equipment was made by Shockwave and he gave them to me because he found no use of it except for exterminating scraplets, which were uncommon but still do appear once awhile in the ship during the war." She explained. She turned towards Ratchet and smiled sheepishly as she scratched her helm. "U-Um Ratchet? The reason why my energon signal is low is due to the fact I ... haven't had my refuel in a week." She said looking down, not daring to look at Ratchet in his optics.

"Are you fragging serious!? What were you thinking?" he scolded, as he starts to rant about the importants of healthy fuel intake, only to be stopped by the Prime. "I think Ioa has learned her lesson old friend. Lightblade, please don't starve yourself, it isn't healthy." Prime said, making Ioa nod and apologise.


Ratchet grunted and turned away, continue monitoring her health via the computer. Arcee walks up to Ioa and gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks for that Ioa. I'm sure we all would be scrapped if it wasn't for you and the kids." She said, making Ioa blush. "You're all most welcome." She smiled and fiddled with her digits. Bulkhead and Bumblebee both said their thanks to her too, complimenting her and making Ioa blush even more. Everything seemed fine, or so Ioa thought. As always, fate love screwing around with her.

Once again, Miko destroyed the peaceful scene by asking questions. "Hey Lightblade, if you had the power of opening a groundbridge at will, why didn't ya just use it to escape from us?" She asked out loud. All the bots and human went silent as Miko continued her barrage of questions. "What about the weapons? Who's the Elite Guard? You were an Autobot? What else you got up ya sleeves?" Miko said, not realising the tension became thick as all the bots and humans were looking at Ioa.

Ioa was in deep waters now.

A/N: Cliffhanger!! Also, I did some editing on the previous chapters because i found some grammar mistakes and stuff! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and stay tune for the reveal! As always, stay safe and healthy! Enigma signing out!

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