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ENTRY: 16/5/2021


"They want us, me to be precise. Perhaps if they badly want me to appear, I see no reason why not to show myself." Shadowglyde said as she gave Optimus a smirk worthy of a Decepticon. The rest of the team took a gulp as they suddenly felt threatened by Ioa's smile. The alter ego sensed their trouble and quickly put up an emotionless mask.

'I think you scared them Shadow.'

'I think so too...' Shadowglyde said through the bonds as she looked towards the leader, waiting for his reply. The Prime merely shook his helm no as he explained why.

"That's not very wise Shadowglyde. The Decepticons must have something behind their backs for them to lure you in. We cannot risk your safety in such manner, though I would never doubt your fighting expertise, exposing yourself head on with Megatron is a big risk, one that is not in our favour." Optimus calmly said as Shadowglyde process the information.

Before anyone could speak up, a transmission came in.

"Did we manage to get through?"

"You're questioning Soundwave's ability, Starscream?"

"Silence!" an angry roar filled the base as Megatron came onto screen, his terrifying dentas bared as he looks through the transmission and greeted the Autobots.

"Greetings Autobots. I believe you have seen my...spectacular display at the mountains. If you do not wish to see another crater in your beloved planet, I suggest you hand over Lightblade to me!" He snarled through the transmission. Optimus glared at the screen as he spoke, authority clear in his voice.

"And what do you wish to offer in return Megatron?" he said, optics furrowed deeply.

"YOU DARE ASK FOR AN OFFER OPTIMUS?! LIGHTBLADE BELONGS TO US!" Megatron bellowed, his servos slamming on the table as he shouted at the Autobots. Only Shadowglyde and Optimus remained passive as the rest were undoubtly afraid and angry.

"Yeah sure! Why don't we just hand Ioa over like some energon goods? Get scrap buckethead!"

"Get fragged Megatron! No way in the Pits of Kaon will we ever hand her over to the likes of you!"

:-You are a fool if you think we would just give Ioa to you! Go frag yourself! -:

"Did you really just demand for us to surrender Ioa to you? Your processor's fragged up and I don't mind giving you the quick trip of joining the Wells of Allspark!" Ratchet growled as he placed a servo protectively over Shadowglyde, who was standing emotionlessly as she watched the whole ordeal.

Needless to say, she and Lightblade were grateful to have them around.

Ioa finally spoke up after having enough of this.

"Hello Megatron. You were looking for me?" Ioa greeted falsely as she looked through the computer screen. The warlord saw the bot he was looking for and smiled.

"Why yes I am. Do us all a favor-"



"I said no. Why should I help your cause when it benefits me nothing?"


"Last I checked, you DIDN'T WANT ME MEGATRON!" Shadowglyde snapped as she slammed her servos on the table, silencing the warlord as she seethed.

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