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Aaron's p.o.v.

"Bubba?" I hear my baby sister asking from outside my bedroom's door.

I'm currently sitting on the edge of my bed in sweatpants, my hair still wet from my shower. My head is facing the floor as my hands are tangled in my messy locks, my mind trying to compose itself from going down the dark path of guiltiness.

I can't do this. I can't bring myself to go to the hospital, see the state she's in, then remind myself how I could've helped her. We all could've helped her. How did we never see the signs? They were all there.

The soft and worried voice of Quinn brings me back to reality. "Can I come in?" She asks quietly from the other side of my door.

"Yes, yes. You can come in, princess." I reply, my voice hoarse from crying in the shower.

I clear my throat, the door of my room opening as my sister's small frame enters my room shyly. She immediately comes towards me until she's standing right in front of me, a worried look plastered on her face.

She looks at my probably blood shot eyes, a cute frown forming itself on her face. I chuckle at her, yet it doesn't sound as happy as it would usually be. It's more like a chuckle-through-the-pain kind of laugh.

"Are you crying, Bubba?" She asks me.

I shake my head before quickly wiping my eyes to try and erase all proof of me crying. I know it's useless, though; my eyes still hold the same pained look and redness from this whole situation.

"I'm okay, princess don't worry." I try to reassure her.

The frown never leaves her face as she wraps her tiny arms around my neck to hug me. I give her the embrace back, knowing it'll bring me comfort in some way.

"Don't lie to me, Bubba. Daddy keeps on telling me that lying is no good and useless."

I peck her cheek, thankful for having such an amazing sister. "Okay, okay. I was crying. I'm fine now, though."

She breaks the little hug away to look at me. She then suddenly sits on my right, copying my posture which means she puts her elbows on her knees to lay her head on her hands.

"What happened?"

Ouch. How do I tell a kid that the girl she loves as much as I do tried to kill herself because she was raped and nobody helped her? God it sounds awful. Well, it frankly is, but I can't tell little innocent Quinnie that. She'll have a heart attack for her sake.

"Hum... Lia is in the hospital. She's hurt." I tell her hesitantly.

"Oh no! How did she get hurt? Is she okay?" She instantly asks, worry filling her sweet voice.

I look to my right, meeting her blue eyes that are just the copy of mine. "She'll be okay. Everyone is telling me that she will be fine and I believe them, princess. She just got hurt and now she's sleeping peacefully while her body heals. I was about to go visit her to the hospital."

Her pearls light up in what I think is hope. "Can I go with you? I want to see her too!"

Huh. Can I bring a 5 years old to the hospital to see someone in a coma? I'll have to ask my dad because I have no idea. How will she react? Will she be traumatised? Will she cry?

"She's not in a good shape, you know Quinn. And she's only sleeping..." I try, trying to convince her not to come to the hospital.

She nods her head with a smile on her face. "I still want to see her, Aaron." She tells me.

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