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Dylan's p.o.v. ;)
"I swear if he fucking pushed her into saying anything..." I growl under my breath.

I'm currently driving with Xander on our way towards Nycto's house. It's lunch break and we decided to see if Aaron wasn't doing anything to our new friend. He'll be a dead mad if he manipulated her into saying something she didn't want to say.

"Chill bro, he wouldn't do it. He may be an asshole, but he wouldn't do that to her. Aaron is totally whipped and he doesn't even know it." Alex reassures me. Or at least tries to.

"He's not whipped. He's a total jerk with her most of the time. He's nice to her only when she's in a weak moment. He's just a coward who uses her weakness to get to her."

"Listen, I bet he'll end up realizing he likes the girl. He's being an ass to her because Aaron doesn't do feelings. He doesn't feel. But now, he feels something towards Nycto. Something he doesn't want to feel. So he tries to hate her by being a jerk to her, but when she's 'weak', as you put it, he can't keep himself from helping her because he has a soft spot for her. He likes her, but he doesn't know it."

I take in his words that seem so true. He's right. I've never seen Aaron help a girl like he helps Nycto or takes care of her. He doesn't care about girls. Except from Nyctophilia. The only big deal out of it is that either Aaron will block her out to keep himself from having feelings towards her or just go along with it. The second option is less likely to happen. He's terrified of feelings. Of getting attached. If Nycto ends up liking him back, she'll have to work really hard to convince the most fucking stubborn guy on Earth that feelings are okay and they're not bad.

"When do you think he'll realize it?" I ask Alex, still thinking about what he just said.

"You and I both know Aaron better than anyone else outside of his family. He won't believe it if we tell him and he's not the kind of person to tell himself that he likes her. I think he'll realize it with Nycto's help or when it's going to be too late. I know for sure that if Nycto doesn't like him back, he's never going to admit to himself that he likes a girl. He doesn't take rejection very well and we know it better than anyone else." He replies back.

I like Alex and his way of thinking. I've known him for less longer than Aaron, but the three of us make the perfect trio. Aaron is all badass and fights while Xander is more like a smarty pants. He doesn't talk much, but the guy is wise. As for myself, well people call me a dumbass but I rather call myself someone genuine.

"Dylan. Snap out of whatever thinking you're doing and focus. Nyctophilia's house is a couple streets away." I nod to him, remembering I'm driving. It wouldn't be my first accident, actually.

I keep on driving through the streets until we arrive at Nyctophilia's house. There's one car in the parking that I don't recognise, the other most likely to be Aaron's.

We both get out of my car then walk to the porch. I knock, not wanting to just get in. After a minute or two there's no answer. I knock louder, but still no answer.

"What the fuck are they doing?"

"Maybe she annoyed him too much and he killed her." I look at Alex with a are-you-serious face.

"How do you want her to annoy him? She can't speak. Dude I'm supposed to be the dumb one." He rolls his eyes but doesn't deny anything.

"Perhaps you could call his phone to see if he'll pick up." I nod, agreeing with his idea.

I take my phone out of my pocket and dial his number. I put the phone to my ear and it doesn't even have time to ring that the call ends. He put his phone in silent?! Fucking asshole! I call Nycto even though she technically can't speak. Well, she can. She just won't speak. Just like Aaron, her phone's ringtone is closed.

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