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Nyctophilia's p.o.v.
School finished around 5 minutes earlier. I was talking with Gabby, Aaron, Dylan and Alex about our next party and we decided that it'd be on the upcoming Friday. The whole crew would be there plus some random people who want to enjoy a good night with alcohol and music. It would be at Dylan's obviously as he has the biggest house between all of us.

As I am walking on my way home, a hand is suddenly clasped on my mouth and the person starts to drag me away. I try to get out of their grip, but they are stronger than me. A man. This is who's dragging me in what seems like an alley.

I am suddenly pushed against a wall, now being able to see who it is. Oh how I regret even looking into his eyes. He is the man who haunted my sleep for the past 4 years, soon to be 5. I could never forget the sick smirk he had on. I could never forget the nauseous feeling of his hands roaming on my body nor how he undressed me against my will. I could never forget my rapist.

"Long time no see, little girl." He says in his usual stomach-turning voice.

I squirm in his grip, but it is of no use. He's too strong... just like last time even though I grew up. "What d- do you want from me?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"Nothing too bad, little girl, but it'll be painless this time. I'll take good care of you." He whispers in my ear.

The tears slowly slide down my cheeks as I imagine what's about to happen. There's only one person who could help me... "Aaron? Aaron! Please help me!" I yell in the alley.

"Shut up! No one will come for you, little girl."

"He'll come. He has to." The man shakes his head at me. "AARON! Please help me! Please..." I whisper the last part before breaking into sobs...

"Aaron..." Is the first thing I whisper when I wake up sweating from my nightmare. I sit up then look on my right to see him still sleeping next to me with his arm on my lower stomach. I glance at the alarm clock on my nightstand to notice it's 4am. Great. I've been sleeping for 7 hours, of course I'd get a nightmare.

A sudden urge to throw up makes me jolt out of the bed to run to the bathroom. Just as I get to the toilet, my stomach decides to reject everything I've eaten in the past hours that my body hasn't digested yet.

Once I'm sure nothing edible is in my system anymore, I flush the toilet and lean my back against the wall in front of it. A sob breaks its way out of my mouth as a single tear rolls down my cheek. I bury my hands in my head as I try not to cry over this yet again.

I hate it so much. I despise it so, so much. The nightmares always seem so realistic and true that it makes me sick to the stomach. I hate remembering it. I hate when it just comes back in another situation. I hate that freaking night with my whole existence. I'd rather die than keeping on living like this. This is hell and it's unsupportable.

"Lia?" I'd recognize his voice anywhere except that now it's slightly sleepy and quiet. I look up at him to meet his worried gaze. "Are you okay...?" He asks softly.

"I'm fine." I mutter while I get up. I quickly take the toothpaste and my toothbrush to proceed to get rid of the horrible taste. I can feel Aaron looking at me while I just stare at the sink blankly. There's no real thoughts going on in my head. It's just blank. Numb.

When I'm finished, I wash my hands quickly before brushing past Aaron to go back in my room. Oh how I feel like hurting myself right now. I need to feel something. I can't go back to being numb.

I start to pace in my room as I think of a way to get rid of the numbness. I know Aaron is somewhere in the room as the door is now closed and I surely didn't close it. He can see me, that's for sure as the blue lights are still on.

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