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(This chapter is a bit from the moment where Nyctophilka wakes up to the park.)

Nyctophilia's p.o.v.
I was walking home from the library.

I used to love going there after school to read my favourite books. The librarian was also a very nice lady. Sometimes she would give me some books to place as I didn't have anything to do. Really nice from her. She would also listen to me when I'd talk about my 12 years old problems.

It was around 6pm and I had told my parents I'd be home at 7pm. Sadly, the librarian had a family emergency and had to shut the library earlier. I didn't mind, so I left at the same time.

Me being a 12 years old girl walking alone in the almost dark, I was quite scared. I was walking really fast. The library was only about 7 minutes away from home so in no time I'd be in the comfort of my house.

But as I was walking by an old shop that no one really visited, a rusty and croaky voice called out for me. "Hey little girl," he said. I knew I couldn't talk to strangers, but at the same time, I was scared he would run to grab me if I had just ignored him.

So I turned around. I looked at him. He wasn't as disgusting as I had imagined him to be with his voice. He sure was smoking a lot. He wasn't very tall. Yet still really scary. His hair had started to become grey and his beard had almost totally lost its brown colour to replace it with grey. He must've been between 30-40 years old. He didn't look that old for someone with white hair.

"Y- yes?" I stuttered. He looked at me with a sick smirk. A smirk that was nothing good.

"Will you come with me, please? I need your help. See, there's this small place in the alley where my keys fell and I can't reach them because I'm obviously too big. Would you mind helping?" He said with an innocent voice. He was trying to convince me.

I knew it wasn't a good idea, but did I really have a choice? I'm everything but good at sports. He would catch on me so easily.

"I hum- my parents told me to get back at 6pm. It's past that. If I don't want them to call the cops I should really go back." Maybe if I told him my parents would call the cops he'd let me go. By fear of getting caught. But he didn't.

"Come on. I promise you're going to be fine. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe with me, little girl. I promise." He promised. So I listened. Still scared for my life. I started to walk into the dark alley, as far from him as possible. I knew I was in trouble. The situation was too suspicious to be normal. But it was already too late to go back.

I knew what was going to happen the moment he grabbed me from behind and put a hand on my mouth, keeping me from screaming. "LET ME GO! PLEASE, LET ME GO!" I tried to scream. But it was muffled by his disgusting hand. I screamed as loud as I could. I tried to...

I wake up with the sound of someone screaming. Then I noticed; I am the one who's screaming. How is it possible? I have no idea. The only thing my brain seems to register right now is that I'm in a boy room with shorts that are obviously not mine.

Oh my god. What if it happened again? Please no. Just please no. I'm tired of it. Please just let me be.

I can feel the tears running down my cheeks. I can't control it anymore. Just the thought of it happening again makes me wanna die.

Then I heard footsteps. Heavy footsteps going down the stairs. A man's footsteps.

My breath starts to become unhealthily fast and uncontrollable. I can't even try to slow down. I'm having a panic attack. One of the worst I had in years...

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