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Aaron's p.o.v.
It's been two fucking days since Lia hasn't come to school. Adding up to that, Dylan won't tell me what they did when I left him at her house two days ago. Fucker. He kept on saying he promised not to tell. He did say he had no idea why she wasn't at school. Even Gabriella came here yesterday asking if we knew where Nyctophilia was.

I'm currently in the second period which is English and she's usually in this class with me. Seeing she's not coming nor plan on it, I take my things and leave the class. Alex looks at me with furrowed eyebrows while I walk out. I can hear the teacher calling my name, but to be honest I don't give one shit.

I quickly walk out of school with my almost empty backpack and go directly towards my expensive car. I get in without hesitating. The destination is printed in my mind as I remember the way to her house from two days ago.

God do I wonder what the hell she was doing at the underground. Well, she probably had no idea she was next to the building that leads to hell junior, but fucking hell. If it would've been a disgusting man that would have found her, she would be ruined. There's so many disgusting people at the underground. Why the fuck was she there? Was she lost? Does she know someone who goes there? Does she know I fight there?

Anyway, I speed through the streets until I get to the posh part of the city. There shouldn't be many kids at this time of the day, but I'd rather not take any risk.

Soon enough, I'm parked in front of her house. I see only one car while I think there's normally two. I remember it from the first time we stopped here. I'm pretty observant. It's probably why I'm so good at fighting.

I get out of my car and rush to the door, not wanting to wait any longer to know if she's okay or not. I texted her asking if she was sick and only answered with 'no'. What the fuck does that mean? She's not in school, but she's not sick either. She's making me go crazy.

I knock on the door and not barely ten seconds after, the door opens. I see a very, very fucked up Lia. She's fucked. Like I've never seen her this fucked from the moment I noticed her. I wouldn't say ugly because she somehow still is as pretty as ever. But she's visibly not good.

She looks like she hasn't eaten in days, which honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it is the case. Her hair is tied in a messy side braid, the bags under her eyes bigger than ever and her eyes totally red and swollen. She clearly has been crying. She is wearing a dark grey sweatshirt with black leggings. I'm actually mad at myself for thinking she looks really good in leggings. I never would've taken her as the type of girl to have nice thick thighs. Fuck. Focus Aaron.

She must've seen me looking at her for too long because she pulls at the hem of her sweatshirt. Fuck I feel bad now. I'm not going to say that shit of an excuse 'I couldn't help myself' but goddamn I need to keep it pg-13. Even if it's my weakness. She's not going well and that's what I need to think about.

I decided to break the silence between us. "So, are you letting me in or are you just leaving me on the porch?"

She gets away from the doorframe and gestures to me to enter. I do so then she closes the door behind me. I walk as if I own the place and find her kitchen quickly. I turn around to see her following me. Her arms crossed, she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you want to eat, sweetheart?"

She makes a disgusted face. Ah! Called it. She hasn't eaten in a while to the point where eating disgusts her. That's how it works. You don't eat, then eating seems like the most disgusting thing to do. I bet that right now, she'd throw up just by thinking about it.

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