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Nyctophilia's p.o.v.
Should I or should I not? Ugh, I really don't know.

Gabby texted me about 5 minutes ago asking if I wanted to hang out with her. It's currently January 2nd and I really don't feel like going out. At the same time, I haven't seen anyone apart from my family since Christmas. Let's just say that I needed time to process the whole liking Aaron thing.

The past week has actually been a total blur. My dad worked almost every day, Clay was going out to see his friends and I was staying in my room all day, going outside to stargaze at night. I've received a couple of texts from almost everyone asking if I was okay. I always replied with a yes.

I finally came to the conclusion that even if I like Aaron, he doesn't like me back. I don't mind... well actually I do because when he'll leave, it'll hurt me even more than if we were only friends. I'll just have to deal with it.

He couldn't possibly like me back. I'm not worth it. He can easily have so many other girls, so why would he choose me? I don't have anything special. I'm not a beauty, I don't have the body, I'm always sad, never fun to hang out with. I'm just a burden on his shoulders. He wouldn't want someone like me, so now I just have to ignore him until my 'feelings' go away. That's exactly what I've been doing for around an entire week. It'd say it's pretty much working as I've been able to ignore his texts... barely.

I'm so screwed. I'm done. Why did the girls convince me?! Now I have to live with the idea of liking a guy. A guy who's a pain in the butt at the same time is helping me a lot. A really confusing guy.

My phone vibrates again as I receive another notification from Gabby.

Gabby: Are you coming or not? It'll be chill, don't worry. Just you and I as we haven't spent time alone in ages.

Me: Fine. Give me 10 minutes and I'm at yours.

I quickly get dressed in black leggings with a black hoodie and brush my hair. I hurriedly brush my teeth before leaving my room with my phone and my car keys. "I'm going with Gabby!" Is all I yell before exiting the house to my car. I know my dad heard anyway; he was probably in the kitchen.

I get in my car, starting the engine. I drive to Gabby's house and arrive in no time as she doesn't live too far from my house. I park my car in front of her house then proceed to get out. As I get nearer her house, the front door suddenly opens to reveal my best friend. She literally pulls me inside the house and I barely have time to take off my shoes that we're running upstairs to her room. Well, she surely looks excited about something.

Once we arrive in her room, she closes her door behind me before jumping on her bed. "Come on! I've got things to tell you!" She tells me.

I chuckle, but eventually sit on her bed right in front of her. "Then tell me. I wanna know." I reply, already forgetting about being alone. Oh how I missed hanging out with Gabby. I forgot how easily she can make me forget my problems.

"Okay so... Alex kinda asked me to be his girlfriend two days ago!"

"What!? You weren't even together before that?!" I almost yell.

She looks taken aback first, but eventually breaks into a fit of laughter. "N- no we weren't. It was complicated, but now we're officially together!" She squeals.

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