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Aaron's p.o.v.
I wake up hours later to an empty bed. I look at the time to see it's just 6:30am. Of fucking course, she'd be awake at this time.

I sit up in the bed to notice two pills with a glass of water on the nightstand. 'I somehow knew you'd wake up by the time I was back. I'm just outside taking some fresh air. The pills are for the hangover.' The note says. I don't even have that much of a hangover, but I guess I'll take the pills anyway. My headache will just be gone sooner.

I groan when I get up from the bed towards the desk with clothes. I pull out a black t-shirt and put it on before leaving the room. I climb the stairs, making sure I don't wake up anyone. I don't want an army of hangover assholes on my ass for waking them up early. Fuck's sake. Nycto slept barely 5h and she's already upstairs doing whatever the fuck she is.

When I arrive in the kitchen, I notice one of Dylan's sisters, the oldest, making breakfast. Right. It's a weekday.

"Livia? Have you seen a brunette girl, pretty short, black clothes?" I ask her.

She turns around and looks at me skeptically. "Hello to you too, Aaron. Yea I have seen her. She's with Octa in the living room."

I nod before making my way to the living room. Like Livia said, Octavia and Lia are on the couch watching some tv. Their heads snap in my direction when they notice my movement. I flip down on the couch next to Nycto. She doesn't say a word, but turns in her seat to place her legs on my lap with a smile. Okay, she doesn't look as bad as I imagined her.

"Hi Aaron!" Octavia says. She's always liked me more than Livia, for some reason. They must be around 13 and 15 years old, but they aren't annoying.

"Hi Octavia. How was sleep?" I ask with a grin, knowing they all heard us shouting at 1am.

"Please. We heard you yelling and screaming all night. Why did you even decide to do your little party here on a Wednesday?"

I shrug. "You have the biggest and richest house. For the Wednesday part, I have no idea. Probably Ethan and Brooke's fault."

"As usual." She mumbles. Livia calls her to go eat breakfast and she jolts out of her seat. "You guys are coming or the early birds are waiting for the sloths?"

"We'll probably wait for the others. We aren't going to school anyway."

"Asses." She whispers before running towards the living room.

I look over Lia to see her looking at the door frame where Octavia just disappeared to. She slowly turns her head back to look at me. She groans when she notices my gaze, letting herself fall on the couch so she's laying.

"How much are you regretting?" I ask her.

Suddenly, she sits back in her seat and crawls to my side to then literally fucking straddle me. "Hug me." She commands. I do as she says and circle my arms around her waist to bring her close to me. She puts hers around my neck, placing her head at the same place. "Now everyone will expect me to talk, Aaron. I can't do it. To you, it's okay. Dylan and Gabby too. But the others, I'm not so sure now." She whispers. Fuck yeah. She's talking.

"What changed, Lia. What changed from yesterday that tells you you can't talk?" I ask quietly in her ear.

"If I talk, they'll think I trust them. I don't want them to think that. Yesterday was because of the party. Now I have no excuses."

I chuckle. "It's okay, to be honest. As long as you talk to me I don't really mind."

"Stupid." She says, but I can hear the smile in her voice. "Oh and Aaron?" She utters, still hugging me.

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