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Nyctophilia's p.o.v.
"Nyctophilia, darling you'll be late!" My dad shouts from downstairs.

"I know! I'm coming!" I yell back as I leave my room for the bathroom.

Let's just say that yesterday I forgot to put my alarm and woke up kind of late. I couldn't sleep, per usual, so I went stargazing and only went to bed at like 4am. I woke up at 7:30am when I usually leave at 7:45am. So yeah, right now I'm running around my house because it's 7:50am and school starts in around 10 minutes.

I start to brush my teeth in the fastest way possible at the same time as observing my outfit. Argh. Should I stay like this? It's too late anyway.

I'm wearing one of those t-shirts that I bought with Gabby a couple weeks ago. It's basically black with a small alien on the small pocket on the left side of my chest. It's also very oversized which is why I'm matching it with regular ripped mom jeans. The holes aren't big; it's just on my knees, but it's already more than what I usually wear.

The thing I hate the most with the outfit is that we can see my scars. Like, they're on full display. No way anyone who's never seen them because of PE can miss them, now. However, it's too late to change now as I'm running out of time.

I quickly brush my hair that has grown a little bit since I cut them before rushing out of the bathroom. I take my school bag in my room with my phone then run downstairs to join my dad. We both put our shoes to then get in the car.

"You'll be okay to catch a ride back home?"

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll ask either Gabby or Aaron."

He nods as he drives to school. The rest of the ride is silent and soon enough, I'm stepping out of the car to run inside the school.

Just as I arrive at my locker, the bell rings signaling the beginning of the classes. I silently curse myself for forgetting my alarm this morning.

I quickly get my books before running off to my first class, aka math which I have with Gabby and Dylan.

When I get to class, the teacher looks at me as if I had just grown a second head. "What's your excuse, Nyctophilia?"

I look down to the floor, ashamed that I can't answer.

"Come on, you know Nyctophilia is the last student to arrive late on purpose. Just leave her alone." I hear Dylan say.

I look up with widened eyes. How can he say that to a teacher? I didn't take him as the kind of person to talk back to teachers. Oh well.

"Right. Nyctophilia, just take a seat. Try not to make it happen again." Sir tells me.

I nod before rushing to my seat by Gabby's side. She smirks at me, but one glare from me immediately make it disappear.

"Why are you late?" She whispers as Sir goes back to teaching.

"Forgot my alarm." I sign.

She nods in understanding before listening to the lesson as we know our math teacher is very strict.

50 minutes later, we're leaving the class for our lockers. "What do you have next?" Gabby asks me.

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