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Nyctophilia's p.o.v.
Hands are touching me. They're shaking me and I don't like it, but I can't seem to move. What is happening? Why can't I say anything or even move?

"Nycto, come on. You have guests waiting for you. Just wake up already."

I hear a new but surely familiar voice yell-whisper in exasperation. I suddenly jolt up in fright with the loudest gasp I remember having. I look around to see I'm just in my room with my brother glancing at me weird.

"Shit, calm down sis. Lover boy is waiting downstairs for you with his baby sister." He says casually before leaving my room. Crap. I quickly look at the time to see it's 9:35. I'm so screwed.

I quickly get up from my bed and run to my wardrobe. I put some black leggings on with a light grey sweater. I then put my hair quickly into a bun, take my phone and hurry downstairs. I arrive at the main entrance to see Aaron with a smirk leaning on the door while Quinn is looking at him with a pout and her arm crossed.

A smile immediately takes its place on my face the moment I see them. They're just so cute together, I can't help it.

"So the sleepyhead is finally here. It was about time, sweetheart." Aaron says when he notices my presence.

I roll my eyes at his remark. Oh. Crap. I straight away slap both my hands on my mouth in shock. Aaron cocks an eyebrow at me as if asking if I really rolled my eyes at him. I shake my head, declining before sliding my head off my mouth and giving him a guilty smile.

Next thing I know, Quinn is running towards me as she notices me. "Lia!!" She yells. Well, I guess she decided to use the nickname Aaron found for me. Not that I mind, of course.

As she reaches me, she jumps with her arms extended to me. I hurry to catch her so she doesn't get hurt. She giggles the whole time while I place her small body on my hip to support her.

"Did you sleep well? Thumbs up or thumbs down?"

I give her a thumbs in between up and down so it's like middle. She frowns a little bit before smiling again. "It's okay! I watched a movie with daddy last night and went to sleep late. Aaron also woke me up at 7! We can take a nap if you're too tired. I'm also tired sometimes."

It's really hard to believe that she gets tired sometimes as she always seems to have so much energy, but I eventually nod. She's what? 5 year old? She'll get tired at some moment... I guess.

"Why don't you go wait in the kitchen, Quinn? I need to have a few words with Lia. Do you mind?" Aaron asks his sister with a quite stern tone.

She nods and I put her down on her feet. She goes to turn towards the kitchen, but stops in her motion. She looks at Aaron with a very similar grin as her brother. "Will you give me your phone if I go?"

Aaron sighs heavily. "I can't give it to you, Quinnie. I need my phone."

Just as she's about to argue or whatever, I take my phone from my sweater's pocket and hand it to her. Her eyes cutely light up and she leaves the room galloping. I look back at Aaron to see him already glancing at me. Then he does the last thing I expected him to do.

"So, about last night." He signs. How is he doing ASL?! Since when does he know how to use it? Huh?!


"About ASL? I asked my dad to teach me. I'm a pretty fast learner if you didn't notice. I also watched a couple of vids when we met because I was curious. Then I found myself really liking it."

I'm 100% sure my face is only confused right now. So he knew a bit of ASL since a while? I feel so dumb right now. I can feel my cheeks heat up. What if he could catch on the conversation I had with Gabby?!

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