Final Battle

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Rudy was causing all sorts of trouble.

He was electrifying the entire arcade.

Every other pinball character was doing what they could.

"It's not working!" said Voltaire.

"Looks like you're done for" said Rudy.

Murray and Sam were flying on Pegasus and her wings captured Rudy's electric power and gained its control.

"Rudy! Party's over!" Sam yelled.

"Look at you two pitiful fools! You'll never get away with this!" screamed Rudy.

Pegasus captured more electricity and zapped Rudy with it.

"No! No! I can't control it! No!" Rudy screamed as he disappeared.

"You did it!" said Voltaire.

Pretty soon, the guys were transformed back into their normal size.

"Hey! We're us again!" said Meg.

"We sure are" said George.

"Murray. I am so sorry I made Rudy take me. It's just that it looked like you cared more about Xiao Xi Gua" Sam said.

"Sam, look at me. It's not the way things look. It's the way they are. And the way it is, I love you SO much. And I love Xiao Xi Gua... equally" said Murray.

Sam and Murray hugged.

"Come on" said Sam to Xiao Xi Gua.

The panda joined the hug.

"Well done, my intrepid friends. You have returned to normal size. And you are free to go" said Voltaire.

"And I think we all learned a lesson today" said Calvin.

"Yeah. We know what it is so why waste our time restating it?" said Charles Wallace.

"Bye, Voltaire!" said the Wiggles in unison.

"Farewell, my friends!" said Voltaire.

Everyone said their goodbyes to Voltaire and the two genies.

"Sam! I'm me again! I'm going home" said Electra.

"We all are, Electra" said Sam.

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