Lost and Found

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Murray was zapped to Funhouse.

He landed in the same place Sam did. 

The only trouble is, he didn't see her.

"Sam?" Murray whispered.

He cautiously made his way across the table.

Murray eventually found Sam in the corner.

"Sam" he said.

"Murray?" Sam said.

"It's me, lovely" said Murray.

"Murray!" Sam whispered.

"This table hasn't been built right. There were some loose screws when I landed" said Murray.

"This table isn't the only thing with a screw loose." said Sam.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here" said Murray.

"Yeah. But if Rudy finds us, shield your ears. He kills just by talking" said Sam.

"Then how am I not dead? I heard his voice earlier" said Murray.

"Because you aren't afraid of him. How'd you get here anyway?" said Sam.

"By using electricity. Come on. Let's go" said Murray.

Murray found the frequency and he and Sam were transported back to Fish Tales.

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