An Invitation

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The kids were chilling in the Cavern.

"Calvin, are you ever gonna take your turn? What's the point in playing "Zombie Slaughter with Buddies" if your buddy never slaughters zombies?" said Charles Wallace.

"Sorry. I'm just thinking about the lads next tour. They said they were gonna get a telegram from where they wanna go" said Calvin.

"Where is it they wanna tour?" said Meg.

"The pinball arcade in London." said Calvin.

"Ooh, I LOVE pinball!" Sam said.

"You think they'll let us come?" said Charles Wallace.

"They definitely will" said Calvin.

The Beatles hurried inside and they were high-fiving each other and yelling "Yes!".

"What's going on, boys?" said Meg.

"Kids! We kept hoping and wishing and it finally happened!" said John.

"We've been invited to perform in all the tables in the London pinball arcade!" Paul cheered.

"Yay!" said Meg.

"Awesome!" said Calvin.

"Beauty!" Sam squealed.

"Can we come?" said Charles Wallace.

"The telegram did say we could bring friends" said Ringo.

"Awesome! Thanks so much for letting us come!" said Sam.

"We had to let you come, kids. You're our best friends" said Paul.

"And here's another surprise. We're collaborating with the Wiggles!" said George.

"Oh! You haven't done a collaboration tour with the Wiggles since they met us" said Meg.

"Exactly. And hopefully Paul can save his tears for when something goes wrong" said George.

"I highly doubt anything will go wrong. Or that I'll be in tears at all. Whichever comes first" said Paul.

"So! What are we waiting for? Let's go find the Wiggles and get!" said Calvin.

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