Monsters of Rock

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The next stop for our team of pinball players was Monster Bash.

"Welcome to the Monster Bash! It's good to see you all again" said Count Dracula.

"Hi, Drac" said Charles Wallace.

"Now. I have heard from the lovely Voltaire that you wish to return to your normal size" said Dracula.

"Yes we do" said Greg.

"So how do we play Monster Bash?" said Calvin.

"You collect the monsters. You see, we are in a band called the Monsters of Rock" said Dracula.

"Nice! What do we need to do?" said Ringo.

To collect me, you spell my name by smashing those targets. To collect Frank, you smash that target six times to collect his body parts then climb the ramp to bring him to life. For Wolfy, you must go down the left or right passages four times for a full moon" said Dracula.

"Uh-huh. What about the Mummy?" said Meg.

"Hit the jet bumpers thirty-five times. For the Bride of Frankenstein, go up those two ramps three times each. And finally, enter that hole four times to collect Gill, the Creature from the Black Lagoon" said Dracula.

"Got it" said Jeff.

"Good luck, intrepid adventurers" said Dracula.

The gang started playing.

And all the while, Murray didn't let Sam out of his sight.

"Muzz? Why are you clinging to me?" Sam said.

"I'm just trying to protect you. I don't want Rudy grabbing you again" said Murray.

"But... he said that you wouldn't care if he took me instead of the panda" Sam said.


"You heard. He thinks you hate me" said Sam.

"And he thought wrong. Sam, you are my other half" said Murray.

"What's his beef with us anyway?" said Sam.

"Xiao Xi Gua woke him up by being scared" said Murray.

"Hmm." said Sam.

"I know. But I love and need you more than anything" said Murray.

"Love Sam" said Xiao Xi Gua.

Sam smiled. 

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