You're Alright

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Jeannie took Murray into a secret compartment in the pinball table.

She lay him down and had a winged horse wrap Murray in its wings.

Murray was able to breathe again and he felt normal.

He heard Jeannie reciting words to him.

If you're alone, you're not alone

You will be helped through the great unknown

Close your eyes and never fear

There is still time before your time draws near

Let love endure you day and night

Let it last and you'll be alright

If you're alone, you're not alone

You will be helped through the great unknown

Murray woke up and he could feel his body and the wings he was wrapped in.

"What's this feeling?" he managed to say.

The winged horse neighed softly and kissed Murray's forehead.

"Hello, my darling. Welcome to Tales of the Arabian nights" said Jeannie.

"You never told me who you are" said Murray.

"I am Jeannie the Genie. And I see you're no longer afraid of me" said Jeannie.

"No, I'm not. I feel safe now" said Murray.

"Good. Are you feeling better?" said Jeannie.

"Yes. I'm fine. I'm okay" said Murray.

He tried to get up, but Jeannie didn't let him.

"No no no. Rudy's powers are strong. We need to take it slow, dear" said Jeannie.

"Yeah... okay. But I wish I were completely fine. Because I need to get Sam back before Rudy gives her the same treatment" said Murray.

"Well... if you're well enough to save her, you could be the one to help her if she does get zapped" said Jeannie.

"I don't really understand why a simple electric shock made me so... weak" said Murray.

"Because Rudy's power focused on you. You were too vulnerable. So now you need to rest and be cared for" said Jeannie.

The winged horse nudged Murray again.

"Hello" said Murray.

The horse neighed.

"She says hello" said Jeannie.

"Does she have a name?" said Murray.

"She is named after the world's most famous winged horse. Pegasus" said Jeannie.

"I like that" said Murray.

Jeannie laughed a little and patted Murray's head.

"Pegasus? Why do you make me feel so hopeful?" said Murray.

Pegasus neighed in response.

"She said that it's her job to make sure that all hope is not lost. There is always hope and both you and Sam will be alright" said Jeannie.

"Jeannie... you're the nicest person in every pinball table I've been in. I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't come along" said Murray.

"Oh, Pegasus and I are very honored to be of service." said Jeannie.

"Will I ever get to rescue Sam?" said Murray.

"You definitely will. For now, go to sleep. You seem exhausted" said Jeannie.

Murray closed his eyes and Jeannie recited her poem again.

If you're alone, you're not alone

You will be helped through the great unknown

Close your eyes and never fear

There is still time before your time draws near

Let love endure you day and night

Let it last and you'll be alright

If you're alone, you're not alone

You will be helped through the great unknown

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