The Pinball Arcade

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The lads and the Wiggles performed at the arcade. 

But then this blast shot them and they along with the kids shrunk.

"What just happened?" said George.

"Are we... dead?" said John.

"I don't think so, John" said Greg.

"It looks like we shrunk" said Meg.

"How?" said Jeff.

"I dunno" said Meg.

"And where are we?" said Murray.

"You are in my pinball table" said a woman.

This girl came over to the group. 

She had a yellow face and green and blue hair. Her clothes were purple.

"Who are you?" said Calvin.

"I am Voltaire and this is my pinball machine. Welcome, everyone, to Cirqus Voltaire!" said the girl.

"It's good to meet you, Miss... Voltaire" said Anthony.

"Is there any way out of this table?" said Charles Wallace.

"Of course there is. You just have to play it" said Voltaire.

"How can we play pinball when we're this size?" said Sam.

"It's very simple. You don't use the flippers. There isn't even a ball when you play this size" said Voltaire.

"Doesn't that make things harder?" said Murray.

"Oh no. You just need to be the ball. Just do as I say and you will be out of here in no time" said Voltaire.

"Well, thanks" said Calvin.

"No trouble at all. Get ready" said Voltaire.

Xiao Xi Gua exclaimed in fear.

"Huh?" said the Wiggles one at a time.

"What's up with the panda?" said Sam.

Murray looked at the panda in his arms.

"He's frightened" he said.

"Who could blame him?" said Ringo.

Xiao Xi Gua started crying.

"Oh, little one..." said Murray trying to comfort him.

"Uh... Muzz? We need you back on planet earth so we can get outta here" Sam said.

"Sam! Let me calm him down. He's never been stuck in a pinball table before" said Murray.

"Well, none of us have. And that is why we need to get out of here as fast as we can" said Sam.

"Do not fret, my red shirted friend. This panda will find playing in person pinball fun once he has done it" said Voltaire.

"I suppose so" said Murray.

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