What Have You Done?!

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Sam ended up in Funhouse again.

"Welcome back, my dear" said Rudy slyly.

"You! Why did you zap me back?! I escaped" Sam said.

"It wasn't a fair escape. You were rescued" said Rudy.

"Didn't I deserve to be?" Sam said.

"Don't get me wrong, sunshine, you are a wonderful girl, but... being my prisoner, you need to obey my rules" said Rudy.

"What the heck..." Sam said.

"It's great isn't it? Seriously. If you obey my rules, you're okay. If you get rescued... well... the hero is hurting you and himself" said Rudy.

He created an electric window.

"Show me the red boy" he said.

The window showed Murray passed out from Electra's power.

"Murray! What did you do to him?!" Sam sobbed.

"Correction: what did YOU do to him?" said Rudy.

"Excuse me?!"

"How did you deserve losing him to that stupid panda?" said Rudy.

"That is NOT what happened. That's just what you think" Sam said.

"Really. What did he say to you when he saved you?"

"He told me I'm his OTHER HALF!"

"Other half? A definite visual image" Rudy laughed.

"No, it's an expression. It means... he loves me" Sam said.

"He LOVEs you? No one believes in love in Funhouse, dear girl. People are only ever bad to the world" said Rudy.

Sam looked back at the window.

"I'm coming, Murray. I will escape, I promise" she said.

"And how do you expect to believe that? You still never learned my game" said Rudy.

"I WILL escape without playing!" Sam yelled.

"Where will you go? The red boy won't be there for you" said Rudy.


"When I zapped you back here, I ordered my assistant, Electra to kill him" Rudy explained.


"Yes, yes. You're in my house now! Although technically I live in a pinball table. The point is... I'm watching ya" said Rudy.

"Hey! Maybe there's still time. I KNOW Murray. I know how to save him" Sam said.

"You may think you know him. But he doesn't know YOU at all. You are very rare, very special. One of only a handful like you on this planet. Same with the boy" said Rudy.

"You mean that I can fly and stuff? And that he's one of the Wiggles? Big deal!" Sam said.

"A very big deal indeed. Only I know who these people are." said Rudy.

"Do you know how he thinks? Do you know what his favorite guitar company is or where he hides the fruit salad from Anthony? Do you know all of his secrets? Well, do you?" Sam said.

Rudy's eyes widened as she said that.

"Human passion. One of the stranger things I have encountered. Really very curious" he said.

"Huh?" Sam said.

"Maybe you will escape without playing my table. Well! We shall see" said Rudy.

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