The Genies

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The others landed in another pinball table.

Murray was still passed out.

He was actually more than passed out. He couldn't feel any of his body.

Murray tried to move but he couldn't. His limbs felt like they were made of stone.

He couldn't even open his eyes.

He could still hear his friends' voices.

"Poor Murray" said Jeff.

"At least he's alive" said Calvin.

"Yeah. But his heart is so slow. Before we got here, I couldn't find a pulse at all. I thought he was dead" said Meg.

"Saving Sam will have to wait. We need to get Murray help" said Greg.

"But where are we?" said Paul.

"You are in Tales of the Arabian Nights" said a male voice.

"Huh?" said the Wiggles one at a time.

"Who said that?" said Charles Wallace.

"I did. I am the Jewel Master. Welcome to my pinball table" said the voice.

"Wow! We've never met a jewel master before" said Ringo.

"Well, I will have you know that we are good at many things. Not just jewel keeping" said the Jewel Master.

"Thanks so much for telling us that" said John.

"Mr Jewel Master, sir, we need your help. Our friend Murray here is not looking well" said Calvin.

"Yeah. We keep saying his name and shaking him but he won't open his eyes" said Anthony.

"The first thing you should do is check his pulse" said the Jewel Master.

"We already did, sir. He's alive but just barely" said Meg.

"He was electrocuted by this clown faced crackerjack Rudy" said George.

"Ah, indeed. Then your Murray needs help. Real help" said the Jewel Master.

"Who will help him? I mean besides us?" said Jeff.

"My genie friends will. And you all won't need to do anything further. We have been watching you and we feel that you need a rest" said the Jewel Master.

"Thank you, Jewel Master" said Paul.

"My pleasure. Now. My genies. Come forth" said the Jewel Master.

Two genies, one with red hair and lipstick and one blue with black hair and red eyes, appeared.

"We are here, master" they said.

"Salim Bagazai, you escort the children and their friends to the bazaar. Jeannie, you attend to the young man in red" said the Jewel Master.

"Yes master. Right this way, young ones" said Salim Bagazai, the male genie.

Jeannie, the female genie lifted Murray with her magic.

She felt his forehead and already knew what was happening.

"Oh, poor dear. He has a very serious problem" said Jeannie.

"Yes. That is why you must help him, Jeannie" said the Jewel Master.

Murray was able to see again. He saw Jeannie's face and said "Who are you?" with all his remaining strength.

"You mustn't try to speak, dear. At least until you've rested" said Jeannie.

"But what has Rudy done with Sam?" said Murray.

"Who is Sam?" said Genie.

"She's our best friend" said Calvin.

"And Murray's girl. Rudy took her and we're really worried" said Charles Wallace.

"Saving her can wait. Now, dear... Murray is it? Just relax. I will take care of you" said Jeannie.

Murray felt his tears coming on.

"Rudy said that about our panda. Someone help me!" he sobbed.

"This man is in great danger. You must leave this to me and wait to save your Sam" said Jeannie.

"Yes ma'am" said Greg.

"Thank you" said Jeannie.

"Murray!" Xiao Xi Gua cried.

"He'll be okay, Xiao Xi Gua. Just leave him alone for a while" said Anthony.

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