Oh No!

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The kids eventually found the Wiggles.

"Hey. Did you guys find any Marvels?" said Charles Wallace.

"One. But we have matters on our hands now" said Jeff.

"Why? What's wrong?" Sam said.

"We NEED to get back to our right size. Because some stupid clown showed his face here and said Xiao Xi Gua isn't safe" said Murray.

"Really? You're obsessed with keeping that sucky panda away from some weirdo from a pinball table?" Sam said.

"Sam! Don't get upset. Don't we all wanna get out alive?" said Murray. 

"Seriously. Usually you care about MY safety. What if that clown guy was after me?" Sam said.

"Then I'd feel the same way as I do for this little one" said Murray.

"Murray love Xiao Xi Gua" said Xiao Xi Gua.

"Hmm" Sam said.

Rudy was watching the whole thing through an electric window.

"Ha! What if I were after you, huh little girl? That gives me an idea" he said.

Rudy created an electric wave with his hands.

"Electrify yourself to Cirqus Voltaire and bring me that girl who was just arguing with the red boy. Do what you like with the others, but I want her alive an unharmed" Rudy ordered.

The electric wave zapped a few words.

"She'll give you no trouble. I've sent one of our pinballs to knock her out. She won't know where she is when she wakes up" said Rudy.

The wave was about to electrify itself.

"And make sure that you're stealthy. If you are, no one will know you're my magic. Now go!" said Rudy.

The electric wave made its way to Cirqus Voltaire just as a pinball hit Sam in the head and knocked her out.

Then the wave picked her up and zapped her to Funhouse.

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