The Side Show

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After Murray had officially defeated the Ringmaster, the green head rose up again.

"I challenge you to a frenzy!" said the Ringmaster.

The Wiggles jumped down the open hole and then the voice the kids heard said "Marvel complete!"

"But we didn't defeat the Ringmaster enough times yet" said Jeff.

"The Ringmaster Frenzy counts as a Marvel. So you still got one" said Voltaire.

"Beauty mate!" said the Wiggles in unison.

The Wiggles defeated the Ringmaster two more times.

Jeff took his turn then Anthony.

"Marvel complete! Well done!" said the Ringmaster.

Meanwhile, the Beatles had ventured up the left passage. 

"Wow! What is this?" said George.

A man appeared and said "Welcome to the Side Show! I'm Side Show Sam".

"Hello, Side Show Sam. We're the Beatles" said John.

"We came to get a Cirqus Marvel" said Ringo.

"Well, you came to the right place, Mister. To earn the Side Show Marvel, each of you has to pick an activity." said Side Show Sam.

"What's there to choose from?" said Paul.

"There's the Amazing Roonie. One of you has to help Roonie the Kangaroo jump objects. Then there's Fire That Canon where you fire the canon for ten seconds. There's also Popcorn Mania where you pop some popcorn for thirty seconds. And finally, Neon Multiball. That's where you play with three pinballs until you eventually drain two of them" Side Show Sam explained.

John went with the Amazing Roonie.

George called dibs on Popcorn Mania.

Paul went with Fire That Canon.

And Ringo picked Neon Multiball. 

Once they completed all their activities...

"Well done, Beatles! Well done. Feast your eyes on Side Show Marvel" said Side Show Sam.

"Thank you, Side Show Sam. Thank you" said Paul.

"My pleasure" said Side Show Sam.

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