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While the Beatles were spelling 'paid', a man in his car beeped the horn and yelled "Move your car!" 

"We're not driving, sir" said John.

"Who are you anyway?" said Ringo.

"I'm Norman Gallagher. Whenever you go up this ramp five times, I show up and yell at the players to move their car" said the man.

"Oh! We're only trying to spell the word 'paid'" said Paul.

"Sometimes completing the "Move your car" round speeds up the process" said Norman.

"Really? Gee. Thanks, Norman" said George.

"No trouble at all" said Norman.

Meanwhile, Calvin, Meg and Charles Wallace were trying to spell 'kiss'.

"Who knew spelling a word could take this long" said Calvin.

"Hello?" said a female voice.

"Hello" said Charles Wallace.

"Please hurry and spell 'kiss'. If you don't, the man next to me will not stop asking me" said the woman.

"Of course. I'm Meg" said Meg.


"Charles Wallace"

"I'm Jane Levina. So nice to meet you" said Jane.

The kids spelled 'kiss' and Jane kissed her boyfriend.

Pretty soon, the Creature's pinball game was complete.

"Well done, everybody! Now you're ready to move on" said the Creature.

"Great!" said Murray.

"Just a few more tables and then you'll be back to normal size" said the Creature.

"Yippee!" Xiao Xi Gua squealed.

"I know, little one. We're almost out of here" said Murray.

Sam actually smiled at that.

Rudy saw that through his electric window.

"Fascinating. The girl is smiling at the red boy fawning over the panda" he said.

"What's wrong with that?" said Electra.

"Nothing. It's just that it's a wonder how she likes it after arguing with the boy over that thing" said Rudy.

"Oh, Rudy, I don't know if we should be doing this. Could we at least try a less gruesome alternative?" said Electra.

"We are NOT retreating! No victim of mine escapes this fast!" scolded Rudy.

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