Zap Murray!

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The guys had just finished playing Medieval Madness. 

"Well done, intrepid adventurers! You've destroyed all of the castles! Now it's time for you to hurry to the next table" said the wizard Merlin.

"Thanks, Merlin!" said Anthony.

"Anytime" said Merlin.

The guys went to the next table the name of which was Taxi.

"Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to our table! I'm Mikhail Gorbichev. But please call me Gorbie" said a man they met.

"Hi, Gorbie." said Meg.

"We came to play your table" said Jeff.

"How wonderful! All you have to do is collect all the passengers. Those of course would be myself, Lola, Santa Claus, Dracula and Pinbot" said Gorbie.

"Thanks for the tip" said Sam.

But just as they were about to play...

"Okay. They're playing Taxi. Perfect" said Rudy.

He made another wave of electricity.

"To Taxi. You'll find the girl with the men in colored shirts. Be extremely careful with her like you were last time" said Rudy.

"B-but, Rudy..." Electra tried to say.

"No, no, no. I won't hold you responsible" said Rudy to the electricity wave.

Rudy snapped his fingers and the wave zapped off.

"And now, my dear Electra, it's time for you to do your job. Make sure the red boy can't find the girl" said Rudy.

"How?" said Electra.

"By using... the secret weapon. Your electric power" said Rudy.

"Oh no, Rudy! Anything but that! You can't do it to him!" sobbed Electra.

"Oh I can though. That girl will never have a moment peace until she is back in Funhouse" said Rudy.

Electra hung her head and said "but what do you want me to do to the boy with my electric power?" 

"Kill him" said Rudy.


"No! Not until the girl is kidnapped! Then you zap him" said Rudy.

A slow tear fell down Electra's face as she zapped off to Taxi.

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