Where's Sam?

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The lads had just finished Juggler Multiball.

"Thanks for helping me, boys" said the Juggler.

"Thank YOU, Juggler, for giving us so much fun" said John.

The kids then ran over.

"Beatles! Have you seen Sam?" said Meg.

"No, we haven't." said Paul.

"She fell unconscious and then this blast carried her away" said Calvin.

"That's odd" said John.

The kids hurried to find the rest of the Marvels.

They eventually did.

Voltaire then appeared and noticed the kids' scared faces.

"Voltaire. You have to help us." said Charles Wallace.

"Sam's been taken" said Calvin.

"By what?" said Voltaire.

"An electricity wave. We have no idea what that was about" said Calvin.

"Do you have any idea what it is, Voltaire?" said Meg.

Voltaire's eyes widened when she heard about the electric wave.

"Rudy. Only he could have sent a wave so powerful it would take Sam away" she said.

"Who?" said Charles Wallace.

"A clown from a nearby pinball table" said Voltaire.

"Murray was trying to tell us a clown was after Xiao Xi Gua and then Sam flipped her lid" said Meg.

"We must tell the Wiggles so they can save her" said Voltaire.

"While we find the rest of the Marvels?" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh, you've found them all, dear" said Voltaire.

"Then why aren't we back to normal?" said Calvin.

"Because you must play every game in this arcade. And you've completed Cirqus Voltaire. So now you're free to move on to Fish Tales" said Voltaire.

"Alright then. Let's find the Wiggles and get out of here" said Calvin.

"Good luck friends" said Voltaire.

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