Kidnapped Again

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As the guys were collecting Pinbot, Electra snuck into Taxi.

"Ho ho ho! Taxi!" said Santa Claus.

"You did it! You found Santa!" said Gorbie.

"Ooh! Wonderful!" said Lola.

Pinbot beeped to say "good job".

"Come on. We just gotta get Drac" said Calvin.

As they found Dracula, Electra took a deep breath and zapped Murray on the head with her electricity.

Murray fell unconscious.

"I'm so sorry" Electra whispered as she disappeared.

"Murray! What just happened?" Sam said.

Greg tried to touch Murray but he got an electric shock.

"Oh my god!" Calvin gasped.

Sam then noticed electric waves surrounding her.

The waves carried her away.

"Sam!" Paul yelled.

"What just happened to her?" said John.

"And what just happened to Murray?" said George.

"Is he dead? Did he die?" said Jeff.

Meg felt Murray's heart.

"No. No, he's just sleeping. He's okay" she said.

"Swell, but what happened? It's like he just got zapped" said Charles Wallace.

Voltaire appeared and said "He was zapped".

"Voltaire? Why? By what?" said Calvin.

"Rudy. His powers are far too great for you to escape from. He took Sam back and Electra zapped Murray" said Voltaire.

"Electra?" said Ringo.

"Electra Heart is the faithful minion of Rudy" said Voltaire.

"So he has help?" said Anthony.

"Yes. Murray may have saved Sam last time, but Rudy will stop at nothing" said Voltaire.

"We can see that" said Paul.

"Is there any way we can save Murray?" said Greg.

"Yes. I shall transport the Wiggles to the pinball table where he can be saved. And the rest of you will finish playing Taxi" said Voltaire.

"Aw, gee. Thanks, Voltaire" said Jeff.

"Anytime, my dear friends" said Voltaire.

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