After talking about the individual, Lin Pingzheng started talking about the whole again.

"The source of students in your No. 1 middle school is not good, and the quality of teaching is average. I have seen your school’s competition history in the past few years. I can only say that the results are very average. Although it’s okay in a few small cities next door, it’s better than The level of national competition is still far behind."

After he finished speaking, he packed his things and walked out without even looking at them.

After listening to this sentence, the students' self-confidence was a bit blown, and their eyes were slightly angry.

After all, he was still a half-year-old child. Even if his school was poor, he couldn't tolerate others to say that Chen Jun, who was more temperamental, stood up and wanted to reason with him, but was pressed by Deng Nian behind him.

This is only the first day and it is not easy to get into conflict.

But everyone is a little bit confused.

Although No. 1 Middle School is the best key high school in their city, it is completely unfamiliar in the province, and the key rate of the college entrance examination is average every year. Lin Pingzheng himself was born in the best high school in the province and graduated with a major in physics from B. It is normal for him to look down upon the first high school.

But every word of his reveals a strong sense of superiority, which is really uncomfortable.

Zhang Man pouted a little unhappy.

Unlike some applied homework majors, basic physics research has a very high threshold and requires years of study.

Those who truly engage in physics research, whether it is condensed matter, particle physics or quantum physics, not to mention post-doctorate, must study for a doctorate. He came out to teach in competitions after graduating from his undergraduate degree, and it is very likely that he didn't mix well in the physics department of B University.

Perhaps the national gold medal he won back then was his peak.

Zhang Man has been a physics teacher for more than ten years in his previous life. Although he is not capable of leading competitions, he has seen no less than ten sports coaches. Some of them are senior physics professors in universities. They were hired to talk once or twice during the training. class.

The higher the qualifications, the more modest and introverted.

It's like Lin Pingzheng, who is not very good at teaching, and his temper is not small, so he gave them a good command in the first class.

In her previous life, she didn't participate in physics competitions and was not familiar with these. She didn't even know who the school sports competition teacher was. She didn't expect this teacher to be so disappointing.

The teenager hadn't attended the class, read his own paper, and when he was tired, he turned his head to look at Zhang Man. At this time, seeing her pouting her lips unhappily, frowning, he habitually wanted to hold her hand.

I realized when I stretched out my hand, they are not at the same table now.

——There is a two-person wide aisle in between.

He retracted his hand, lowered his head, and pursed his lips displeased.


After trying this exercise for more than a month, Lin Pingzheng’s attitude became worse, and he frequently asked his classmates to write questions on the blackboard after he just finished the new class.

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