Just as Jin Ming went to bed, he rubbed his sleepy eyes a little when he was tossed, "Well, I just saw him coming. I took a file bag and went out. I should go directly to the examination room?"

Today is the final exam, and there is no morning reading class arranged. Many students will go directly to the exam room to review.

Zhang Man breathed a sigh of relief.

She pressed her temples and shook her head helplessly.

She is still too sensitive. He was still thinking about giving her the question paper last night, and he should be in a much better mood.

As long as it is related to him, her nerves will begin to tense.

At this time, Chen Feier called her at the back door of their class: "Man Man, what are your ink marks, go to the examination room, there are still more than 20 minutes, and it will take a while to walk from here."

Zhang Man nodded, packed the stationery bag, and went to the examination room with her.

In order to prevent cheating, schools are categorized according to liberal arts and sciences for such large-scale examinations and ranked randomly. She and Li Wei were not in the same examination room, but happened to be together with Chen Feier.

Before Zhang Man entered the examination room, he deliberately turned to the examination room where Li Wei was and looked in from the window.

She saw him at a glance.

The young man did not turn the book nervously like the others, he lay quietly on his position, seeming to be sleeping.

Zhang Man didn't bother him, he sighed in relief and scolded himself nervously. Then he pulled Chen Feier through the long corridor, upstairs, and went to their own examination room.

Chen Feier walked, pursing her mouth, and muttering dissatisfied: "I said how you walked from the second floor, so I wanted to see your dear boyfriend. How about it, does his head look good?"

Zhang Man was amused.

She thought of the girl's faint expression when she told Chen Feier that she was with Li Wei that day.

It has not changed until now.

Chen Feier saw that the strategy of You Resent didn't work, she changed to acting like a baby, and she shook her arm back and forth: "I don't care, if this continues, I think you are going to abandon me. Manman, you mustn't overrule friends!"

Zhang Man looked at her, feeling better, and rubbed her head with a smile: "Well, I promise you."

Chen Feier became happy now.

"Well, then when you two get married, I will be your bridesmaid."

Zhang Man suddenly thought of his previous life.

When Chen Feier got married, she was her only bridesmaid.

She still remembers that at that time, Chen Feier was wearing a delicate crown and a gorgeous wedding dress, standing on the stage, throwing the bouquet in her direction, and crying: "No one is allowed to grab her, Zhang Man, you must be happy!"

Zhang Man's heart is warm, maybe she will really get married earlier in this life.


The last of the two-day exam is physics.

Due to an extra page of additional questions, the test time has been extended from two hours to three hours. Of course, students who do not do additional questions can hand in papers in advance.

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