The Trade

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Clint POV

Honestly, I don't know how this one is going to play out. Why does everything keep getting weird? First an alien attack and now a flying city controlled by a murder bot.

"I know what I need to do. The dining room! If I knock out that east wall, it'll make a nice work space for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling, she can't hear the kids running around, what do you think?" I envisioned it with my hands whilst taking to Nat. Hopefully it all ends well so my idea can become a reality.

Engaging with me Nat crosses her arms dismissively, stopping for a second and states "You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway."

"No one eats in a dining room." I scoffed as we reached the lifeboats. "We don't have a lot of time."

"So get your ass on a boat." She replied. I filled her instruction before she herself started to run off.

"Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" A woman panicky shouted and explained directing it to whoever would listen. A parent shouldn't be made to be without their child so without thinking twice I immediately set off into the direction where I she was pointing.

"I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone." Came Ultron's silly singing voice. That guys really had to ruin Pinocchio.

I managed to get to where the boys was, trapped in a ditch. I pulled him out only to hear shots firing in the back of me. Ultron in a jet.

I help the boy close to me upon seeing a machine gun drawing closer. Pulling closer to my chest turning to form a shield, to be the shield . I suppose that's why I signed up though isn't it, to be the shield. I just didn't assume it meant that literally.

In that moment everything seemed to happen in slow motion. My anticipation outweighed my reality. Thought darted round my head faster than ever. I remembered my promise to Laura I'm sorry.

Standing bracing myself for the shot, they seemed to pass. I heard them but I didn't feel them. Slowly, I raised my head to see the boy was fine but the other wasn't.

"You didn't see that coming?" Came a faint whisper as Pietro collapsed to the ground. As I turned I saw the car he had evidently placed in protection. He traded his life in place for mine and the boys. For me.

Madd's POV

"Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church" Came an instruction of Starks through the coms.

"Is this the last of them?" Thor asked as he walked towards me.

"Yeah." Steve replied.

"Everyone else is on the carrier." I added.

"You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away." Stark stated.

I could hear some form of rapid fire from nearby and when I turned I saw the source and what it, or rather who the target was.

I turned back around to see a woman screeching behind me before a wave of wind seemed to fly through the air, forcing me to take a few steps back. Paired with an ongoing scream. Glancing around to find the source I saw a red explosion in the distance. Wanda.

Turning back I saw Hawkeye clutching onto a child, staring at the ground. I took a step closer seeing a sight I wish wasn't real. Pietro. And that explosion that was mounting, a demonstration of a severed connection. One that could never be fixed.

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