Circle of trouble

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Mads POV

Immediately I rushed over to them to see them all on the floor. Clint only looked up at me, not saying a word before looking back down again in defeat. The young boy had some blood on his cheek, resting on the floor. I picked him up to bring him to the carrier as Clint picked up Pietro carrying him over his shoulder.

As we made it there the boy was met with the arms of his mother before Clint sat down.

"No, no. I'm fine." Clint gasped as a lady walked over to see if he was ok. He turned to lay down near Pietro.  "Oh, it's been a long day."

More people ran onto the carrier just before the city began to fall, Cap jumping on just in time with help from his shield.

"Thor, on my mark." Came Tony's voice as a blast of lighting could be seen as the city fell in flames. "Now!" All of a sudden the city tore into pieces in a flash of light. Rubble fell from the sky splashing into the ocean below.


"Madeline, I think that you should go with Clint" Nat requested 

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" I asked

"No but I honestly think that you should go with him, get a childhood."

"But I'm older now and I think my time for childhood is over."

"I don't care, I missed mine and if you could just have just a little bit of yours..."


"You can stay here for a week but your going there for 2. Clint already agreed and you seem to get on with his kids pretty well. So, um ya going."

Clint returned to his farm and I went back to Avengers facility for the week.

 "Say hi to Auntie Nat." Came Barton's voice in the background of the video my aunt was showing me. On the clothing the baby was wearing I could see his name 'Nathaniel Pietro Barton'

'Fat.' My aunt stated looking at the video, and I laughed in response. He was a cute baby, maybe it wouldn't be so bad to stay there for a bit.

Walking back into the meeting room we caught Fury speaking.

"One of our tech boys flagged this, splashed down in the Banda Sea. Could be the Quinjet. But with Stark's stealth tech, we still can't track the damn thing." He stated partially annoyed, or it was his usual, I couldn't tell. 

My aunt walked closer to the picture of the Hulk on the screen. "Right."

"Probably jumped out and swam to Fiji. He'll send a postcard." Fury rolled his eyes.

"'Wish you were here.' You sent me to recruit him, way back when. Did you know then what was going to happen?" My aunt stated as she walked closer to Fury still glancing at the picture.

"You never know. You hope for the best and make do with what you get. I got a great team." Fury shrugged his shoulders. "And we've got her too I guess"he continued, pointing to me with a slight smile on his face.

My aunt laughed before taking a deep breath. "Nothing lasts forever." She smiled.

"Trouble, Miss Romanoff and Miss Belova" He nodded to himself "no matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around."

"It's the circle of trouble."

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