Setting up some nets

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Banner POV

"Anything on Nat?" I said as I walked in. At this I noticed that Madeline walked towards where we were standing. 

"Haven't heard. But she's alive, or Ultron'd be rubbing our faces in it." Stark replied. 

"This is sealed tight." Barton said now speaking up

"We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within." I stated as if it would be easy but I knew their could be complications.

"Hm. Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school spy stuff?" Tony asked directing it at Barton.

"There's some nets I can cast. Yeah, alright. I'll find her." Barton said nodding, trying to reassure himself.

"I can work on tissue degeneration, if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted." I stated and started to walk around to start the task.

"Yeah, about that." Tony stated hesitantly


"You have to trust me." Tony with a hint of begging in his voice.

"Kinda don't." Madeline stated, shaking her head, starting to walk out.

"Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him." Tony continued

Clint POV

I was just setting up some 'nets' to try and catch any potential message Nat might said as the kid walked in. 

"Hey" I said, she gave a small wave in response. Seeming as if she was in some kind of daze.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, "We are going to get her back you know; you don't have to worry about that, your Aunt can handle herself as well." I continued trying to figure out what was on her mind.

"I know" she said without looking up, "How many frequencies have you or are you going to put up?"

"As many as I can. She can't be that far" I said, trying to reassure myself as she nodded along. I started to sit down with headphones resting on my head covering one of my ears.

"What do you think Stark is going to do if he gets Ultron under his control like he wanted?" She asked, now sitting on the floor half rocking herself.

"Probably use Ultron for his intended purpose? To protect."

"But what if the line gets blurred again?"

"What line?"

"The line between salvation and destruction, Ultron must have inherited the confusion of the two from Stark so how can you be sure?"

"I guess all we can do is hope then."

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