So many questions

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Natasha POV

I just can't shake the feeling. I recognise her. Whenever I look at her she reminds me of a young child a used to know. It can't be her though. There was a body. That child is dead. So, who is she.

Thats beside the point. Well not entirely but in two minutes I am going in there for her interrogation. So far we haven't gotten anything useful out of her. Some sass and random sounds and I can tell she has done this before. 

"Nat, your up" Steve shouted at me "You alright I have said that so many times now?" Shoot, how long have I been staring?

"Yeah I'm good" I responded even though I know he won't believe me. I was right. He looks at me incredible sceptically but nods probably because he knows that there is not much point arguing with me. That is a brilliant reputation.


 As I walked into the room she is staring at a wall. With one hand handcuffed to the chair which she looks totally unfazed by.  Interesting. "As you understand you are in S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters" I started and she still doesn't turn around.  "And you are here due to the emblem that is on your shoulder, and I am starting to think that you did that on purpose. "

"Well you better hope I didn't" she replied still not turning around. She has got a point , if she did do that on purpose we could be in trouble. Seeming as I think she did. We are in trouble.

"What is a widow doing here anyway?" she asked

"Now I know who you are." I stated plainly, well I didn't entirely but she knew I was a widow so I had a decent guess.

"No, you know who I could be, and who is to say I don't want you to." she said as she gradually turned around. "Why else would I only be talking to a widow"

"I was hoping my reputation proceeded me"

"Oh it does. And 'taskmaster' says hello."

She smirked as she said that question. She is one of them. I thought I destroyed the red room. Then it hit me. She is definitely here on purpose. We are in trouble. 

But why is she here, I don't understand. Why does she have the H.Y.D.R.A crest? I felt the panic on my face. Hope it wasn't to obvious.  I stepped out the room to, "We are in trouble" I said down the comms.

"How do you know" Clint replied

"You remember when I said that I came from a place where they trained assassins?"


"I think she is one of them"

He cursed then said "you have got to be kidding"

"Why would I be joking, and I think she is worse than me, or better depending on how you view it"

"What do you meannnn"

"Well seeming as I thought I got rid of the red room, and she has a H.Y.D.R.A crest I think the two operations came to a partnership which could be very, very bad for us."

"Everyone copy?" Clint asked


"Listening the whole time"

"Which one of you fools let her onto my Helicarrier without finding that out first"

"Caps fault"

Came the replies from Tony, Cap and Fury. No prize for guessing who is who. 

"I am going back in, if my hunch is correct I am the only one here who has a chance to contain her"

"You sure" Cap asked

"Yes, I'm our best bet, plus she wanted to come here thats the only way we got her last time. Either we get her to turn or you figure something new out."

As I walked back in she had unhandcuffed herself as was strolling around the room. She could of escaped and grabbed something. Why is she here? I kept asking myself.

"Are you quite finished with your panic as I am getting rather bored" She said as I walked into the room. 

What is she up to?

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