In the Avengers tower

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Narrators POV

Bruce Banner and Tony Stark are alone and working on a new project. And Tony, being Tony, was trying to change Bruce into The Hulk.

"Oww, will you stop doing that" moaned Bruce.

"You really felt nothing?" complained Tony in return. Bruce reacted by giving an angry look before shaking his head and continuing to work. "Once more? Please?"

"Fine, once more if you promise you'll stop"  


Within a split second Tony had resulted to tasering.

"Did you really have to use the taser?!"

Within a grin on his face Stark replied "No, but I only had one more go and I had to make it count."

Natasha's POV

I walked in to see Bruce and Tony acting like 5 year olds. Not that I didn't expect that from Tony at least. "Are you two done with tasering each other?" I asked. Tony looked up at me with a look that clearly indicated he was not. "Because even if your not Cap needs at least one of you in the meeting room."

Slowly moving and a bit of protest, Tony got up and muttered to himself "why won't he just transform? He's taking all the fun out of it."

As they walked in Steve looked up with a serious expression on his face. "Tony" he nodded "what do you think of this?" He pulled up a screen and showed a young girl, she had skills that I hadn't seen in a long time. She wasn't doing anything threatening per say but she had the H.Y.D.R.A symbol stitched onto her shoulder which caused interests to peak in her intentions. 

JARVIS was the one to pick it up. Tony had a scan on for things like H.Y.D.R.A symbols  ever since our last run in with them. Steve retraced the video and we saw some more footage. The girl walked in and crouched behind a bin in a position that would have easily be missed except from the slight glimmer of a hologram. Who it was in the hologram was impossible to tell but we wanted to see if either Stark of Banner could identify the tech.

"What do you think?" Steve asked.

"I think you should stop filming alleyways, it's a weird and creepy hobby. There are better ways to familiarise yourself with technology". Tony replied

"You know that's not what I meant. What do you think about the technology?"

"Oh that" Steve rolled his eyes. "Well it's quite advanced but also a bit old"

"How can it be advanced but old?" I asked.

"Ugh do I have to explain everything? You know what no as this is a new bargaining chip for me and". Steve gave him another look cutting him off. "Weeelllllll, when it is first pulled up there is a slight glitch bit it comes up at speed which is whyyyy it is old yet advanced."

"Right" Steve nodded. "So what are we going to do"

"I think that we should watch and see if she shows up again" I suggested.

"Ooh a stakeout, I like that" Tony said

"A steak out seems a bit extra don't you think?" said Cap, obviously did not want to do a stakeout. Tony frowned and pouted at Cap. "Fine, fine we'll do a stakeout" .


A/N sorry for the short chapter. Things will hopefully start to pick up soon. Thank you everyone who has read so far 😁😁😁.

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