Chapter 8: My Heritage

Start from the beginning

    I nodded and pulled it out from my jacket. 

    "You know, your the only fairy with this design. Obviously, since there is no other night fairies." He smiled and touched it. He reached out and pulled his out, I liked his. "This is mine, I share the design with one hundred others." He shrugged. I touched it, and it suddenly had a sparkle in it. I gasped, and he looked down and his eyes widened. "Lilath! You should not have done that." He scolded me, like I was a child.

    Oh hell, no he did not. "Sorry, whats wrong with me doing that?" I asked.

   "You basically blessed my pendant, you gave it good luck. It is an honour, but you could get in trouble doing that in Faylinn to the wrong person. This is why I told you not to show anyone your pendant, because if there is people that we don't know from Faylinn here-- that will be trouble." 


    "One, they will immediately take you to Faylinn. Two, if they are from the Sun or Sunrise Court, and touch your pendant. You will loose many things. Like your title, uniqueness, and much more they have not taught us in school." He said, with a scared look in his eyes. 

    "Devin, how do I get to Faylinn?" I asked, I really needed to know. It was my birthplace, I needed to go there for many reasons. 

    He sighed, "you have to make a small sacrifice. It all depends what kind of fairy you are. You need a half a pint of blood, and since you are a night fairy you need to drop the blood on something related to the night. After you do that, a portal will open up. Walk in and you're at Faylinn." He smiled, "but if you are ever going, please warn me first." 

    I nodded in agreement. "What is it like there? Are the people friendly?" I asked, as I starred at the pond. Shrubs crowded the edge and rabbits poked their heads out of them. I smiled at them and they hopped off. 

    "The greenest trees you'll ever see, the freshest air you've ever inhaled, colours everywhere, and millions of different creatures." He sighed and smiled to himself as he said that. 

    "Wow, sounds breathtaking," I replied. A picture played in my head of what Faylinn might look like, it was a pure beauty. Realization hit me, if it was so beautiful there, why is Devin here? "Devin, why are you on Earth then?"

    He rubbed his forehead, and then started chewing his bottom lip. "It's a long story. I'll have to tell you it another time. You have taken in too much," he said, giving me an apologetic smile. 

    I grunted, I hated being kept from secrets. First with Beau, my almost boyfriend. Now Devin. Why did Devin have my necklace? I thought to myself as I stared at him. "Devin, why did you have my pendant?" I asked.

    "Some girl gave it to me. Told me to hide it. Told me it belonged to you, it was during the rebellion. I just took it to get back at your court. Then when we learned about you and your heritage in school, I realized I was in a bit of a pickle." He laughed and tapped his finger on his chin. "Now that I think about it I remember who gave it to me, Lara?" He shook his head quickly, "no that can't be right. Layla?" His face lit up and he nodded quickly, "yes Layla! She is your fourth in command, or whatever." He shrugged. Then a frown creased his forehead. "Why would she do that to you? You are royalty, let alone her leader."

    Play dumb, I thought to myself. "That's-- odd." I said with a shrug. I can't believe that selfish woman, Beau was right. She always wants what is mine. I thought to myself and started to feel my body stiffen with anger.

      "Whoa, you OK?" Devin asked, snapping his fingers in my face with a smile. 

      I nodded.

     "That was weird, your aura turned red and black. It was like-- hell," he said. Backing away from me. 

      I lightly punched him on the shoulder. "Wouldn't you be mad if someone took over your kingdom ?" I asked seriously, but smiled. 

      "Why of course, your highness." He mocked as we laughed. Suddenly our laughter died and he was pulling me towards him. He pushed a stray hair back behind my ear and leaned in. Suddenly our lips were molding and his arms were wrapped around me.

      I pushed him back. "Devin! What the hell are you doing?" I exclaimed, furious. How dare he kiss me? I didn't wait for his answer, I got up and stormed away to my car. 

      "Wait, Lilath!" Devin called, but it was too late. I was far away. I knew I wasn't going to be mad at Devin for long, but I need to get away. 

      I slammed my car door shut and buckled up my seatbelt. I rested my head against the head rest. Great, my only ally now made shit complicated. I thought to myself and let out a groan. 

        "Why the hell did that-- boy, kiss you? You aren't his. You are mine, and I am yours!" A jealous laced voice yelled beside me. Beau. with friends.give feedback.

 A/N: I know, it's a filler chapter. Lots of dialogue, this one is for the Devin fans! Left you guys with a little cliff hanger!:). I just wanted to give you guys more info on Lilath and who she is. BTW HER AGE IS NOW 18! NOT 22. 18 E-I-G-H-T-E-E-N! This story will go through editing every 10 chapters. :) 

Chapter Question: Team Beau or Team Devin?! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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