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After arriving back at the hospital he quickly made his way up to room 342, Katsuki's room. He stood outside the door scared to walk back in. He was sure what had went down at the studio was already being released everywhere. He stood there for a few more seconds before opening the door. Inside still sat the parents along with Iida and Shoto.

The two males quickly walked up to the alpha and embraced him. Izuku let out more tears at the gester and quickly went limp in the arms of his friends. He couldn't believe this was all happening to them.

The crying of a baby made Izuku lift from the floor and from the arms of his closest friends. He stood up and slowly walked over to the basket and he was that the one who looked more like himself was the one crying while the other slept. Everything hit him at that moment.

This two small children were his and Katsuki's children. They were here in the flesh not in a belly anymore. There were two of them.

Izuku started to cry and carefully sat in the floor holding the now sleeping baby. The baby held his finger tightly as if he was trying to tell his father something important.

"I made you," He whispered to the baby is disbelief that the moment was her, "Me and your daddy made you."

He heard a click of a camera but that never broke his focuse from the small infant. What did break his focuse was a knock at the door. Still holding the baby he walks over and opens the door. There stood two nurses, the doctor, and a bed that held his mate. He quickly but carefully moved to the side to allow them to bring in the sleeping omega.

After putting him in the center of the room the nurses left but the doctor stayed to talk to the family. "So during the fall he ended up hitting the concrete hard enough that it broke his skull," He goes to explain, "There was a piece that was close to his brain and if we didn't do surgery then and the piece would have hit the brain it could have possibly killed him. But we was able to catch the piece before if reached though. We got everything put back together with a metal wire. Everything should heal back up in a couple of moths. Is there any question I can answer?"

"When will he wake up?" Izuku asked almost instantly.

"He should be awake within the next day or two. He just needs to rest." He says smiling. They all took in the information as the doctor excused himself. He knew it was a lot for the family to take in. That and ontop of being new parents.

Izuku walked over the the bed and sat down beside his mate. "Baby I don't know if you can hear me," Izuku said looking at the little one in his arms, "But there was two not one. We have two healthy baby boys."

Izuku hoped that Katsuki could hear him but even if he couldn't he would tell him a thousand times more if he had to. "Was you two thinking of names?" He heard Masaru, Katsuki's father ask.

"We did but we're stuck between two names," He said softly petting the baby's head as he slept, "Kanji or Toshi. I guess now we don't have to still think of them." Izuku chuckled at his words.

He looked over at his mate that laid almost lifeless in the bed. The only thing showing life was his chest slowly moving up and down as he breathed. Izuku wanted nothing more then for the omega to open his eyes. He wanted to see the beautiful red eyes he loved.

Izuku was brought from the trance when the phone in his pocket started to ring. He pulled it out causing a little ster from the baby but looked to see if was a video call from the class. He answered and everyone chimed with hellos and how was everything.

Izuku was happy to answer their questions. "Is the baby ok?" Kirishima asked worried.

"Guys you won't believe this," He smiled standing up from the bed and walking back over to the crib and slowly laid the boy beside his brother, "There was two of them." He turned the camera so they could see the babies.

"How did they never see it?" Mina asked as everyone let out awes.

"They said he was hiding almost like he wanted to be a surprise baby." Izuku chuckled.

"Will bakugo be ok?" He heard and looked over to his mate.

"In time." He said trying to be hopeful, "It's getting late. I should get off here and get some sleep."

All the class said their goodbyes and Izuku hung up the phone looking at his background picture. It was a picture of Katsuki sleeping because he worked around the house so much that day and being pregnant it made it easier for the male to get sleepy. He looked so perfect in the picture and in it he had the blanket pulled up so you couldn't see the swollen belly from the past. It was by far his favorite picture of his mate.

"We should get going son." His mom said standing up along with Katsuki's parents. He put his phone away and walked over hugging them and tanking them for being there for the kids when he wasnt.

"We should be leaving as well." Iida said after they finished hugging.

"Campus curfew is in a few minutes." Shoto said. Izuku walked over to his friends and hugged them as well.

After everyone left Izuku stood there in the hospital room alone with his family. Yea it may be broken now but soon everything will be fixed. Everything will go back to normal.

Soon both babies started to cry in sync and Izuku started to panic. Izuku did everything he could to try and quite them but nothing would work. He quickly ran in the hall screaming he needed help. A nurse quickly ran over, "What is it?" She asked worried of the worse.

He invited her in the room and Izuku walked over to the crying duo. "I don't know what to do." He said frantic.

The nurse chuckled at the panicking father. "They are hungry," she explained, "Here I'll show you."

She quickly handed a baby to the father then took one in her own arms. She showed him how to hold the baby when it was time to eat and the showed him how to feed the baby. Izuku mirrored everything the nurse was doing and soon enough both babies were quietly eating.

He smiled and after a few minutes both babies finished with their bottles. "Now we have to burp them." She says. She shows him how to hold the baby against his shoulder and to slowly pat the babies back. He did just that and soon enough both babies let out little burps.

Once done both babies went to sleep and they placed them back inside the hospital crib. "And you have now fed your babies." The nurse said with a smile.

"Sorry for making you panic," He said as he scratches the back of his neck slightly embarrassed, "I've never done this before."

"It's completely ok," She said happily, "It's common for first time parents to need help."

After talking for a few more seconds the nurse left the room and Izuku made his way over to the long couch. He pulled out the pillow and blanket that his mother brought him and laid down quickly going to sleep.

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