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Izuku couldn't believe the words coming out of the omegas mouth. He loved him? How could such a perfect omega love me? He thought looking at the blonde. Suck Katsuki had his bad times but everyone does. No one can be completely perfect but to Izuku, Katsuki was the most perfect person in the world.

"I love you my omega." Izuku whispered softly and capturing Katsuki in a kiss.

The kiss wasn't like the ones they shared in the past. In the past they were quick pecks or heated kisses leading to sex but this one was different. Neither boy wanted sex. Neither wanted to just get it over with. This kiss was full of the love they shared for one another. It was the moment the poured all the love they had on the table.

When they separated for air a small string of saliva connected them. Both panting heavy as their bodies were deprived of oxygen. Katsuki looked into the green orbs and his stomach fluttered into millions of butterflies.

He had never dreamed of submitting to someone, let alone to his childhood crush. The one person who ever got him to open up. The one person who was there when he thought he had no one. Izuku never let him go through anything alone. He couldn't ever imagine that when he was on his own he would finally submit to the one person he beamed worthy of his love.


The next day at school everything was even more difficult for the couple. No matter what Katsuki could do he couldn't keep Izuku calm. Them now understanding what is going on made things slightly better.

At school anyone who came close to the omega Izuku saw as the threat. He even saw the teachers as one. Of course everyone understood why Izuku was acting the way he was because most people have been through the same thing.

Katsuki's swollen neck had finally went down and was now just bruises. Of course it still hurt to the touch. But he wasn't about to say anything about it. He was still the stubborn person he had been all his life.

At the moment the two were walking down the halls with Izuku clutching tightly to the omega. He didn't want anyone around him. He growled at the students who passed by. "No one is going to get me." Katsuki said trying to calm the alpha yet again.

Izuku didn't reply as the two continued down the halls. He sent death glares to every student who looked at the couple. The two were headed to an omega class sense the school had recently discovered Katsuki as an omega the two were now required to go, well at least Katsuki was but with the state Izuku is in he wasn't going to leave the omegas side.

After reaching the class Katsuki knocked on the door and a happy looking woman opened it. "Oh Katsuki your here!" She said happily letting the two enter the class, "I was told you would be joining us today!" Katsuki felt uncomfortable as he walked into the class full of females. "I didn't know your alpha would be joining us though."

"He marked me a day ago." Katsuki explained hoping she would understand.

"That makes sense." She said, "An alpha wont leave their omega's side for three days after marking."

She happily told the couple to choose a desk and Katsuki chose some in the back of the class. The classes was filled with scrapping sounds as Izuku drug his desk across the floor and connected it with the omega's.

"So today we will talk about pregnancy." The teacher said looking at the class. Katsuki noticed a few class mate in there from his dorm but only two were in there. Sue and Uraraka sat at the front but the rest of the class he didn't know them.

"Pregnancy for an omega last around four to five months. Also omegas are highly easy to get pregnant so make sure your using safety. The school also offers birth control if anyone if you kids choose that route." The teacher goes to explain, "But most omega's won't know of the pregnancy untill their first missed heat. Unless you go to the doctors and they tell you." Katsuki thought hard on what she had said. Could he get pregnant? He is male so the odds are unlikely but he still thought about the woman's words hard.

His eyes popped open and quickly grabbed a paper from his book and wrote down a question before skipping it to his alpha.

Did we use a condom last time?

Izuku quickly wrote back on the paper and slid it back to the omega.

I honestly don't remember. My alpha took over and I dont remember much after marking.

Katsuki didn't like his answer bit he couldn't get mad because his omega had taken over also. He didn't remember much that had happened after the marking but the two did knew they had sex as the two woke up naked when they was dressed other then their shirts being off.

It's probably nothing I am a guy after all.

Katsuki wrote back on the paper giving it to the alpha. He sat there thinking hard trying to remember that night. He needed to remember but his mind was just blank.

After the class ended Katsuki and Izuku stayed waiting on the room to empty. He slowly walked up to the teachers desk and cleared his throat getting the woman's attention.

"Yes?" She asked looking up at the pair.

"Is it possible for me to get p-pregnant?" He asked stumbling on his words.

"With you being the first male omega known no one knows," She explained, "Why do you ask?"

"During the marking we don't remember if we used protection." Izuku explained to her as he could tell Katsuki was nervous to talk about the subject, "Our other sides took over."

The teacher stood there thinking of an answer but came up with nothing. She hated she couldn't give the boys the answer they needed but she didn't want to tell them wrong, instead she suggested they visit a doctor to have a study get done. The boy's exited the class agreeing to go to a doctor after school.

"Let me know what the doctor says!" She said as they went to go exit the classroom, "I would love to know a answer myself."

Izuku promised to come back with the answer for her before they exited the class. They two had a few more classes to attend before they would get to go visit a doctor. Katsuki was nervous on what the doctor would say. Of course Katsuki wanted a family. He was scared the doctor would tell him no, that he couldn't bear a child. But also feared that he could. He didn't know what he wanted at that moment. The only thing he was sure on was he wanted an answer.

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