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Izuku woke up that next morning groggy. The boys had kept him up and luckily he was blessed with the greatest and friendliness nurses because they were all happy to help him out with the twins. As soon as the clock hit ten Inko, Mitsuki, and Masaru were up there with food and snacks.

Izuku was quick to dig into the food as he never ate himself yesterday. His stomach was aching for food at this moment. As he ate the two ladies held the twins. As much as he loved his children he was glad that the ladies took them where he could eat.

"Have you chose which one is which yet?" Izuku's mother asked him.

"I haven't," He said with a mouth full of food, "I want him to pick." He nodded his head towards his mate.

Until he woke the babies would just be baby one and baby two. He didn't want to make a decision without his omega. He wouldn't make it without his omega.

They all sat the cooing over the twins and once Izuku finished eating he stood throwing the trash away. He looked over at the bed that the omega laid on and his heart broke. He hated not being able to hold or talk to his omega. He just wanted the blonde to wake up and tell Izuku everything was going to be okay. He needed his omega to tell him that.

The day slowly went by as Izuku sat in the room with his kids. He had the babies laid on the couch with him as he played on his phone. The two babies laid there sleeping against one another.

Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru had left to go get double everything. Sense they only had stuff for one baby they left to go get enough for two. Izuku tried to tell them they didn't have to but them being stubborn didn't take no as an answer.

There was a knock on the door and Izuku turned his head to see Kirishima, Denki, and Mina walk into the room. "Give me give me." Mins said making grabbing hands at the babies.

Izuku moved slightly where she could pick one of them up. Leaving the other one on the couch with his father. Izuku scooped up the baby and sat up so his friends would have room to sit. "How long will he be out for?" Kirishima asked worried about his friend.

"They say he should wake up today or tomorrow." Izuku answered also looking at his omega.

"Can I hold him?" Denki asked looking at the baby in Izuku's arms.

Izuku smiled and passed the baby to his yellow haired friend. Just as the baby left his arms he heard stars from the bed. Izuku and Kirishima were instantly at the bed while the other two help the children. "Puppy can you hear me?" Izuku asked hoping for an answer.

He watched in amazement as the omega slowly moved his arm over his belly. The omega was expecting to fell the swollen belly that he had grown use to and loved but was greeted with a flat stomach he had before getting pregnant. Panic set over him. He shot up ignoring his own pain, "My baby! Where is he?" Katsuki screamed through the room as he tried to get out of the bed to find his child.

Izuku stopped him and grabbed the babies from his classmates and brought them both to their daddy. Katsuki instantly calmed seeing the two but was confused as to why he was presented two of them. Izuku quickly explained why there was two and Katsuki smiled. Izuku quickly handed the babies to the omega and the omega happily took them.

"Go tell a doctor his is up." Izuku said as Kirishima quickly ran out the door to find one.

"They are beautiful." He whispered admiring the babies. How could such a reckless person like him create such beautiful beings?

As Kirishima walked back in a doctor followed. The doctor came in and checked on Katsuki's vitals and everything, making sure the omega was good before explaining everything to him as he did to Izuku. At that moment Katsuki couldn't care less about him and what happened to him, all he cared about was the small humans in his arms.

After a while the friends left leaving the two alone. "What to call your mom?" Izuku asked getting a nod from the blonde.

Izuku quickly got his phone from the couch and video call Mitsuki. She quickly answered worried something was wrong but what she seen made her cry. As she looked at the screen of her phone she saw Izuku and Katsuki both holding their babies. She quickly took a screen shot of the family and exclaimed how they all would be there as soon as they can.

The two boys chuckled and said their goodbyes to the woman before they ended the call. "How long was I out?" Katsuki asked his alpha.

"A day," He answered, "Katsuki I have to tell you. I did something stupid and reckless."

"What did you do?" He questioned.

Izuku went on to tell him about how he went to the building and what he did to the people that hurt him. He knows he did nothing physical to them but what he did was still dangerous. He even told him about how he left the kids out of rage with their parents. He hated himself for what he did to his family.

Instead of scolding the alpha katsuki leaned against him. "It's okay," Katsuki said softly as Izuku grabbed one of the children, "You were hurt and scared. I honestly probably would have done the same thing."

Izuku was glad that Katsuki wasn't upset with him. He didn't want his omega to ever be upset with him. "The media also said they would pay all the hospital bills in return." Izuku said looking over at his beautiful omega, "I never gave them an answer."

Katsuki nodded not wanting to talk about the subject. He just wanted to live in the moment. He wanted to be there loving his kids and his alpha. He didn't want to worry about the media or any bills that would follow.

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