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Izuku sat there in a room. He cried, cried, and cried till he had no more tears to cry. Katsuki's parents along with his own where there with him. Many classmates trying to call and check on the blonde. It was all over every channel.

First ever male omega pregnant gets swarms by media, falls and is rushed to the hospital.

It had been a few hours sense they took the omega back and they don't have any word on how anything was going. Izuku sat there wrapped in his mom's arms scared and shaking like a child who had just seen a monster.

Katsuki's parents were doing what they could to keep all the classmates updated on the blonde and the baby but it's hard to keep someone updated when you don't know information yourself.

They just wanted to know something, anything. They hated being in the dark. Izuku blamed himself for this happening. He shouldn't have left Katsuki home alone. He knew that if Katsuki was going to do something he was going to do it and God be damned if someone told him no.

"Honey it's not your fault." Inko whispered hold her son and petting his head trying to calm him. He loved his mother and loved that she was trying to help but nothing would help untill he had his mate and child in his arms.

Soon a knock came from the door and Izuku quickly stood up to go answer it. There stood a nurse with a baby carrier. But what was in the carrier had him confused. He wasn't looking at just one baby but two.

"I'm sorry you must have the wrong room." He said as his voice sounded rough from crying.

"Bakugo?" She asked, "Katsuki Bakugo?" Izuku nodded. "When doing the C-section they found a second baby hidden behind the first one. They are both baby boys." The nurse smiled and Izuku stood aside for her to walk in.

Both babies laid cuddled up together. The nurse explain that Katsuki was still undergoing surgery due to head trauma from the fall. After the nurse left Izuku couldn't do anything but stand over the hospital crib and look down at the two. One looked like Izuku with a head full of blonde hair while the other looked like Katsuki with green hair.

Izuku cried looking down at the babies. There was no denying that the babies belong to him but seeing them made him just want to run into the operation room to his omega.

Izuku yelled pulling at his hair and quickly ran out of the room and out of the hospital. He stood at the door way and just fell to his knees. All he wanted was his mate, his love, his omega, his future husband and the father to his kids, his Kacchan. He wanted to know that he was going to be ok. To know that at any second the omega will walk out the doors and tell him that he is fine.

"Izuku!" He heard behind him as he felt arms wrap around him. The voice belonged to Mitsuki, Katsuki's mother.

"I need him!" He screamed, "I can't do this without him."

"Honey he will make it. It is Katsuki we are talking about. He is one of the strongest people I know." She smiled with teary eyes, "Would you like to go hold your kids?"

Izuku sat there thinking for a bit. Thinking of what he didn't know. It's his kids he should be holding and never letting go but instead he was hesitant. Why was he hesitant? It's not their fault that their father was undergoing surgery. It's not their fault that he was swarmed by media.

"I'll make them pay!" Izuku screamed standing up from the pavement and running to the car. He quickly got in and left. Where was he going? To the news channel that started all of this mess.

Mitsuki tried to chase the alpha down but she couldn't keep up. She new rage was all he felt at the moment and her heart shattered at that. The two were supose to be in the hospital both smiling holding there kids but instead her son was in surgery, Izuku was seeing rage and going after people, and her grandkids have never touched their fathers.

The perfect little family they dreamed of being was not shattered into pieces. She breathed in heavy and turned in defeat going back into the hospital, just hoping that Izuku wouldn't do anything he would later regret.

Izuku saw red as he raced through the streets and he soon pulled into the media studio of the people who put his mate in the hospital. He got out of the car not even caring to cut the engine.

He stormed inside and came face to face with the people who started it all. "You did this!" He screamed running at them, "You did this to him!" Security was quick to grab the raged alpha and restrain him. "He is in the hospital having surgery all because you bitches couldn't mind your own damn business!"

The manager quickly stepped out of his office taken back by all the commotion coming from the other room. He didn't have to ask what was going on because he knew as soon at he seen the greenie. The manager walked back into his office with security bringing Izuku with them. Izuku was sat in a chair with both guards standing beside him.

"Izuku I would like to talk about this." The manager said calmly.

"Talk about what?" Izuku growled angrily at the man who was clearly frightened, "Talk about how you put my mate in the hospital? Talk about how you almost killed my children and mate? Is that what you want to talk about asshole?" Izuku screaming every word.

"The company wants to pay for any medical payments to help as much as possible," He goes to explain trying to keep a composed look, "We are truly sorry for what had happened and we want to make it up as soon as possible."

"How can you make it up when my omega is in the middle of surgery?" His voice still as loud as before, "When my children had to be taken out early because your stupid ass people can't keep to their fucking selves!" Izuku stood up breaking away from the security officers and breaking free from his restraints. "Come talk to me when my omega wakes up." That being that calmest thing he had said that whole conversation. He then left heading back to the hospital.

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