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Today they had decided to go visit Katsuki's parents. Katsuki wanted to tell his parents on how he finally stopped being so hard headed.  They stood outside the two story house and Katsuki knew that his parent knew Izuku but that still didn't help the butterflies in his stomach. He was nervous. Katsuki looked up at his alpha and Izuku smiled down at the omega rubbing his back. giving the omega silent encouragement. Katsuki let out a breath before knocking on the door.

After a few seconds the door opened to revile is mother, "About you came to see us brat." She chuckled opening the door for the two boys. 

"I have to talk to you and dad." Katsuki said walking inside with Izuku following behind.

She was taken back at how quiet he was and how he didn't send a remark back to her. She instantly knew it had to be something serious. The Katsuki she knew was loud and sometimes obnoxious but this was a whole different side of him. She quickly walked into the house following the boys into the living room. Katsuki and Izuku sat on one couch while Mitsuki and Masaru sat on the other couch across from them. 

"What is it son?" Masaru asked looking at the boys.

Just like with the class Katsuki hesitated to tell his parents. He just wanted to hid behind Izuku and let him do all the talking but knew he couldn't this time. He had to be the one to tell his parents. "I found a mate." He whispered.

"What did you say?" Mitsuki asked as neither one of them heard the words come out of the boys mouth.

"I found my mate." He said changing his words some.

Both parents got excited knowing their son finally put his pride aside and focused on the important things. "I'm so happy for you!" Mitsuki screamed going to hug her son.

Just like at the dorms Izuku went in an over protective drive. It was like he was worried anyone and everyone would hurt or try to take his omega. As Katsuki's mother got closer Izuku jumped up and stood in front of the omega bearing his teeth at the blonde woman. Out of reaction of another alpha challenging her in her own home she went into over drive also. At this point both Alphas were ready to fight.

Quickly Masaru and Katsuki jumped up and pulled the two alphas back on their respected seats. Masaru looked for any reason on why that could have happened and noticed the swollen mark on Katsuki's neck. "Son when did you mark?" His father asked him.

"Last night why?" Katsuki answered trying to calm his alpha.

Mitsuki instantly calmed know why Izuku did what he did. "You shouldn't have come out so soon after marking." She said to the young couple.

"Why?" Izuku asked with a low growl coming from him.

"After marking an alpha will become more possessive and protective over their mate especially in the first few days. The first two to three days is when it's bad but after that everything calms more down. In that period of time the alpha wont let many people around their mate, only close friends or family and even with close friends or family they need to be careful. Because an alpha could take something that is a friendly gestor as a threat towards the mate," Mitsuki goes to explain to the boys.

"Why did no one tell us?" Katsuki asked.

"It's not something most people want to talk about." Masaru answered.

"As much as we would love you to be here I think you two need to go back for the sanity of Izuku." Mitsuki was heartbroken saying those words. 

Katsuki nodded and stood up pulling Izuku with him. He understood where his mom was coming from and he didn't take her words to heart. He understood that she meant the best for them. 

Back at the dorms the two went straight up to Izuku's room not wanting another encounter like the one that happened at his moms house.

When they got in the dorms he could still feel Izuku on edge about the encounter with Mitsuki. "Please calm down." Katsuki said hugging the alpha.

Just then he seen Izuku do something he he hasn't in a long time. Izuku broke down crying. "I'm so sorry," he said between sobs, "I ruined it with your parents. I'm a terrible alpha."

That being said Katsuki's heart broke at his words. Izuku wasn't a bad alpha, he was a great alpha. He did everything humanly possible to make sure Katsuki felt safe and happy. "Look at me," Katsuki lifted Izuku's head making the two connected eyes, "Your the best alpha anyone could ask for you do everything and anything for Mr. You protect me. Help me. Feed me. Most important make me feel loved. You made me feel normal when I felt like an outcast. I dont ever want to hear those words again."

He never wanted to see his alpha hurt like that again. He couldn't even believe his own ears on what Izuku had said. Katsuki quickly brought Izuku into a tight hug trying to calm the alpha.

Katsuki smiled knowing exactly what he could tell his alpha to make him happy again, "Izuku Midoriya I love you my alpha."

The Unreasonable OmegaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin