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The two sat nervous in the waiting area as they waiting on Katsuki's doctor. He had been going to the same doctor sense he was a baby because he didn't want others to find out about the omega.

"Katsuki." They heard the name be called.

The two stood following the black haired nurse into the room. She checked the boy's vitals and that was a struggle. Izuku just wanted to rip the nurse away from his omega but he knew he couldn't. He sat in the chair fighting himself.

"Everything looks good," She smiled, "And what are we here for today?"

"Not feeling good." Katsuki lied not wanting to tell her the truth.

She smiled at the boy, "Give Doctor Tatsu just a minute and he will be right in." She then left the room.

"About time she got her hands off of you." Izuku said walking up to his omega that sat on the small bed like chair.

"Is someone jealous?" Katsuki smirked at the grumbling alpha.

Izuku just let out a huff and embraced the omega. "I don't like people touching what is mine." He mumbled under his breath.

Izuku climbed onto the chair behind Katsuki and wrapped his arms around the blonde. He laid his head in Katsuki's neck. He just wanted to hold the omega. It made him calm and feel level headed. The two sat like that in a comfortable silence as they waited on the doctor to walk in. Izuku hiding in Katsuki's neck while Katsuki played a game on his phone.

The door opening grabbed their attention as a older man walked in. Izuku hugged tighter onto the blonde and eyes the man in a white lab coat. "Katsuki here for another check up?" He asked with a smile, "And I see you finally found an alpha."

"I'm not here to talk about that," katsuki said in a monotone voice, "I have a concern I want to talk about."

The doctor nodded and sat in the rolling chair next to them at the desk. "What is your concern?" He asked.

"Can I get pregnant?" Katsuki quickly asked.

"We'll that's a hard question." He replied back, "Seeing as your the first known male omega we don't know if that's possible for you." Katsuki saddened at the thought of not being able to bare his own child. "But that's not saying it's not possible." He said picking up on the sad omega, "We can run a few test to see if it possible if you would like."

Katsuki nodded wanting to know for himself. "We will start with a blood sample and then do an ultrasound to see if you carry the reproduction organs," He then noticed the alpha tense up at the words, "That is if it's OK with you and your alpha."

They want to stick needled in his omega! He was about to straight say no but Katsuki answered before izuku could. He knew what Izuku's answer was but Katsuki had to know, "Yes that's fine."

The doctor quickly excused himself to go grab what he needed for everything and was quick to come back. "OK so how are we going to do this?" He asked gesturing to the alpha, "I can tell the mark is still fresh and I know how alphas are when they first mark."

Katsuki turned and looked at Izuku, "Let him do this." He was almost begging. Izuku didn't reply as his eyes were on the needle that laid in the doctors hands. "I have to know." Katsuki grabbed his attention.

"I'll fight it off," Izuku said knowing that if he fought with the doctor he would be kicked out, "I promise we will find out. I'll do my best to keep my alpha down but be quick because it's not easy." Izuku lowered his head and rested it on Katsuki's back trying to control the best within him.

The doctor quickly went to work. He wrapped the band around the blonde's arm and tapped on the arm making the veins become see able. When he found a good one he quickly stuck the needle in. When he had enough blood to run the test he quickly took the needle out and put a bandage on him, then pulling off the band on his arm.

"See all done." Katsuki smiled as his alpha. What felt like hours of fighting himself came down to just seconds.

"OK I will run this to the lab and have it tested and while we wait on that we will go ahead with the ultrasound." The doctor said as he exited the room.

Katsuki turned to the alpha and gave him a small peck on the lips, "I'm so proud of you." He smiled. He knew it had to be hard fighting himself. Katsuki knew from experience how hard it was to fight as an omega and couldn't imagine how it was for an alpha.

"I just dont want to see people hurt you." Izuku explained. He never wanted to see his omega in pain. Even over something as small as a needle.

The doctor came in with a smile, "Time for the ultrasound."


The next day at school Katsuki made it early to his omega class to tell his teacher what he had found out. A smile plastered on his face along with his alphas. At that moment in time nothing could break their smiles. They entered the class and found the teacher at her desk with an empty class room.

"Did you find out anything?" She asked looking up at the two boys.

They smiled at eachother before Katsuki rested his hand on his stomach, "We did."

The teacher noticed the action and took note of the happy face on the usually grouchy teen. Then everything clicked for her. She quickly jumped from her seat and ran to hug the boy. "Oh my gosh!" She said excitedly, "How far along?"

"Only a couple of days," He answered noticing the growl excape Izuku's lips as the teacher hugged the blonde, "It's the size of a small pebble."

He brought the pictures out of his pocket and showed them to the teacher. She looked at the small object on the picture and her heart fluttered. "I'm so happy for you! You have to keep me updated on everything!" She said handing the pictures back to the couple.

Their words were cut short as the bell rang. The two boys made their way to the back of the class again and sat at their conjoined desks. Katsuki leaned back resting his hand on his stomach. He couldn't believe it. He was going to be a father.

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