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Later that same day Katsuki and Izuku stayed locked up in the room that day. He was worried about his class mates. No matter how hard Izuku tried he couldn't get Katsuki to leave the safety of his room. Izuku sighed. He had never seen Katsuki like this, he was always a headstrong person chasing his goal without looking back and now he just looked like a lost and scared child.

Izuku stood from the bed the blonde was now asleep on. Izuku pulled the blanket over the omega before exiting the room. He knew Katsuki would be hungry when he woke seeing as neither had ate that day. He descended the stairs and was taken back as he was swarmed by classmates. They were asking questions about how Katsuki was doing and when they would be able to see him.

"Guys he just needs some time." Izuku explained.

The class sighed and walked back to the couch and the scattered themselves across the living room. He walked into the kitchen and see Uraraka. "I'm sorry." She whispered as Momo and Sue helped clean her wounds, "I didn't know."

He could tell she felt terrible about what had happened. "It's not your fault," Izuku replied to her walking to the fridge, "No one knew."

After grabbing some snacks and drinks he starts his way to the stairs. when he reaches the bottom he could smell it. The sweet smell of his lovers heat. Denki, Mina, and Sero also stood at the bottom of the stairs ready to race up there. Izuku let out a loud growl warning the other alphas to back off. But them being alphas and smelling an omega in heat they couldn't fight them selves. Sero was the first to race up the stairs with Izuku hot on his trail.

At this point Izuku dropped the small snacks and was now worried about reaching his mate before the others could. He had to reach him first. The dorms consisted of three floors. Katsuki's room was on the very top floor. Izuku reached his hand out to grab onto the shirt of the alpha ahead of him but was just inches away. He heard tumbling and saw that Kirishima and Shoto had grabbed onto the two alphas behind him and having to remember to thank them later.

"Sero don't do this!" Iida called chasing after the two alphas up the stairs. 

"Omega. Must mate." Sero said as the three finally reached the top floor.

Izuku picked up his speed as Katsuki's door came to view. Panic set over him worried he wouldn't be able to reach his omega in time. He needed to think of something and fast. He can't lose this race. 

"Sero stop!" Izuku begged. He can't lose his omega.

"I can't!" Sero called back, "I have to mate."

"Sero you can't mate with Bakugo!" Iida called out gaining on the two, "He is already taken!"

"Ser i swear if you touch him!" Izuku screamed. 

Iida soon passed Izuku trying to stop Sero from making a mistake. Sero was the first to reach the door. He quickly ran inside to see the omega tossing in his sleep from his heat. Sero did make a mistake though instead of instantly going to mark the blonde he took a second to take in a breath of the smell. That second of a mistake is what costed Sero to lose Iida and Izuku were quick to catch up in the second and Iida grabbed Sero while Izuku stood between Sero and the unmarked omega.

"Get him out of here." Izuku hissed looking at Sero.

After a quick fight Iida was able to pull the black hair out of the room. Izuku Turned to see Katsuki now fully awake. He had seen everything that happened in the room and was now worried if it would get any worse.

"Mark me." Katsuki said quickly.

"Kacchan are you sure?" Izuku asked making sure that he was okay with it. Katsuki nodded in response. He didn't what to have to worry about other alphas any more. He just wanted his alpha and that's it.

Izuku slowly crawled onto the bed and captured Katsuki in a kiss. Katsuki instantly brought his arms up and around the alpha and pulled him in tighter. He wanted to be as close to the alpha as he could. He needed to be close to him. Izuku slowly started to grind on the omega cause moans to be brought into the kiss.

Katsuki moved his hands to pull at the omega's shirt wanting it off he wanted to touch his skin. Izuku was happy to grand the omega what he wanted Izuku swiftly pulled his shirt off and Pulled the omegas off as well. He leaned down to the omegas chest and started to lick up his muscles. "Don't tease asshole." Katsuki groan out.

"What was that puppy?" Izuku asked putting his hand on Katsuki's neck and putting light pressure. 

Katsuki moaned at the dominate side coming out. He loved when he was able to get this side out of the kind hearted male. Izuku moved Katsuki's head to the side and licked up his neck, going over his scent gland. Katsuki let out a loud groan when he went over the sensitive area. 

"Please Deku." Katsuki was able to get out.

Izuku leaned down and started to suck over the gland. Katsuki couldn't help but moan out in pleasure. At this point Katsuki was begging Izuku to touch him and he did just that. Izuku unzipped Katsuki's letting his dick free. Izuku started to stroke as he continued to abuse the omega's neck. The pleasure soon became to much and before they knew it Katsuki came in Izuku's hand and Izuku bit down on the gland. Katsuki reached up and scratched Izuku's back leaving rough looking marks. 

Katsuki was now marked as Izuku's. 

The Unreasonable OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now