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The week went by without much excitement happening. The two were on a heat rest, which just means they had the week off of school. The teachers kept the updated on everything so they wouldn't fall behind. Katsuki was still to shy to show his affection around everyone so when everyone came back to the dorms the two would split apart like the have been avoiding each other all day and after everyone went to sleep the could be found wrapped up together in one of the beds. 

today was now Saturday which meant the two would be separated all day. Izuku wished it wasn't like that but he understood Katsuki had to go at his own pace. That's one thing he learned of the omega a long time ago, don't rush him unless you was a fist to the face. 

Izuku walked down to the dorms and was greeted by almost all his classmates. He had gotten up later due to him and Katsuki mating the night before. no one knew they the two were a mated pair as Katsuki still didn't want to be marked before telling everyone. He didn't want to have to keep explaining to everyone on why he was marked. So instead the two agreed to when everyone knew.

As he entered the common area he instantly started to look for the blonde. He knew he was up by now because once he focused enough he could hear screaming at the TV. "Stupid bitch get out of my way!" Katsuki yelled as he played the new GTA game, "Die!"

Izuku just chuckled and walked into the kitchen. In there stood Iida, Shoto, Momo, and Ochako. "Come on Deku, Momo made tea." Ochako blushed seeing the greenie walk into the room. He had thought it was weird to see her blush but just brushed it off as if nothing happened.

"It's nothing special," Momo let out a small laugh at her excitement, "Just some tea my family makes."

Izuku smiled as Momo make him a cup of tea and he happily accepted it. He had sipping on the tea and complimented on how good it tasted. the five of them stood there talking about the past week and way Izuku wasn't in class. He had told them that he had just been out with the stomach bug. Luckily for him they believed it and didn't investigate and more. After it quieted down He noticed Memo nudge Ochako's arm before the small girl spoke up.

"Deku can I talk to you?" She said gesturing for him to follow her. He followed her and as they walked through the living room He instantly felt a pair of eyes on him. He knew they belonged to Katsuki. He followed her out the door and onto the small porch area. "Deku there is something i wanted to tell you." She said as she stopped walking and came to a stand still.

"What is it Uraraka?" Izuku asked looking at her confused.

"Well you see I've liked you for a while," She trailed off. He had a bad feeling on where this was going, "And I wanted to ask if you'd be my alp-"

She was cut off by a punch landing on her face. Izuku was shocked at the movement that quickly came. Before he knew it the whole class had joined them outside as Izuku and Kirishima had to pull Katsuki off the small brunet. Soon enough teachers arrived and everyone was confused on why Katsuki had just attacked her, all except Aizawa.

"What the hell man?" Denki spoke up helping the brunet stand.

"Stay out of this dunce face!" Katsuki yelled getting even more angry.

"You can't just attack people! You're and alpha start acting like one!" Mina chirped in.

"Really racoon eyes you wanna go?" Katsuki was now fuming in anger.

"I think it's time." Aizawa said walking up to the pair of boys.

"Time for what?" Momo asked as everyone stood there confused.

"The truth." Aizawa answered looking at the blonde.

Katsuki sighed walking over to Izuku and hiding behind him. Izuku knew he was nervous to tell them Katsuki tugged on Izuku shirt signaling that he wanted his alpha to be the one to tell everyone. "Katsuki isn't alpha," Izuku spoke up as everyone gasped, "He is omega. My omega."

"How can a male be omega?" Iida asked as he held tightly to his beta mate

"We still are not sure how," Aizawa spoke up, "After I was told I had called Katsuki's doctor and they are still trying to figure it out themselves. But what we know now is that Bakugo is omega and he is Midoriya's omega."

No one had noticed before but Katsuki stood there shaking. he was worried of his classmates thoughts and what they would say about the new news. He usually wouldn't care for such nonsense but this time it was different. Everyone knew how low of a rank he was. Everyone knew how weak he truly was.

"Please don't treat him any different," Izuku says wrapping his arms around the shaking blonde, "He was already so scared to tell anyone. I'm sure now he is terrified."

"Go inside," Aizawa said to pair, "I'll talk to them."

Izuku nodded and picked up the blonde and quickly walked them inside. He had went up to Katsuki's dorm and sat him on the bed before crawling in himself. "I'm sorry that this day had to come so soon." Izuku whispered petting the blonde.

Katsuki didn't reply. he just pulled himself closer to his alpha and was wishing today could just be over.

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