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That's is what deku looks like in this story and he is also slightly taller then kacchan.

That next morning was a hard one. it took Katsuki everything he had in him to get out of the bed and go to class. He didn't want to face Deku not after what he had done the night before. He was even scared because he now knew Katsuki's secret.

After a lot of struggling and pep talks Katsuki managed to get out of bed and he was now sitting in class. As always he got there slightly early the most of the class, the only ones there were Iida and Momo. It was like that everyday though so they knew better then to question him on being early.

Within moments students flooded the class room and Katsuki kept his head down not wanting to seen the green hair boy he knew that would be there. As he laid there with his head down he heard a paper get put on his desk and the chair behind him move. Deku was there. Katsuki looked up slightly and saw a neatly folded paper sitting on his desk. Lifting up he grabbed the paper and started to read.

Kacchan we have to talk about what happened last night. You smelled as if you were in heat but that's impossible because males can't be omegas. Don't Ignore this or me because you know better then most that I can always figure out what's going on. Meet me outback during lunch. We can talk about it then.


Katsuki sighed knowing that Izuku was right. Some how Izuku was always able to figure out the truth on anything he sets his mind to and at the point in time he wanted to know the truth of Katsuki.

After Izuku's father left him and his mother Izuku was devastated. He didn't know why or who made him leave so Izuku started doing his research on anything that could possibly make his father leave. After to a lot of looking he found out his father left because of another woman. Of course he was heartbroken and he had told his mom what he found out and ever sense he always set out to find the truth for everyone. He didn't want anyone to be in the dark on anything anymore.

Katsuki just sighed and ran his fingers threw his blonde hair and laid his head back down on the desk. How was he supose to explain he is the first and only male omega?

The classes went by fast and before Katsuki knew it it was time for lunch. To say it the easy why he wasn't ready for the conversation that was coming. He knew how Izuku was able to get the truth out easily. Instead of trying to stall for more time Katsuki walked to the back of the school where Izuku was already waiting.

"I want to know the truth." Izuku said as he noticed Katsuki walking towards him.

"I'm not an omega!" Katsuki yelled trying his best to keep him composure.

No matter how hard he tried he knew that Izuku could see right through him. Izuku slowly walked up to Katsuki pinning him to the brick wall behind him. Instantly Katsuki let out shaking breaths as he noticed how close their faces are. Izuku brought his leg up and pushed it between Katsuki's legs making him sit.

"Really now?" Izuku asked lowly, "So it shouldn't affect you if I did this."

Izuku lowered his head down to Katsuki's neck and lightly licked on the exposed skin. He felt Katsuki's body heat up and the sweet smell from last night came like a train. "P-Please," Katsuki let a tear slip, "D-don't mark me."

"Why not Kacchan?" Izuku asked looking at the blonde, "I want you so bad and I can tell the feeling is mutual."

Katsuki hung his head in shame. "I'm weak," He whispered, "I'm the only male omega and I'm weak. I don't deserve and alpha."

Izuku's heart broke at his words. How was he weak? Katsuki was one of the strongest people he knows. How could he see himself that way? "Kacchan I won't mark you unless you allow it," He said looking at the heart broken blonde, "But let me help you. I know heats get painful and I want to help."

Katsuki couldn't form a reply so instead he just looked down at the green grass. He knew what Izuku meant by helping. The only way to help an omega in her was to breed, to mate. He didn't know how to answer Izuku's offer.

"Kacchan please," Izuku asked again, "I don't want to see you hurting." Kacchan just nodded still not being able to form words. Izuku barely seen the nod but was happy Kacchan was allowing him to help ease the pain. Izuku backed off letting Katsuki stand on his own two feet but Katsuki stayed backed on the wall worried he would do something he didn't need to.

The bell ringing brought the two out of the conversation. Izuku started running to class but turned to look at Katsuki one last time. "Your dorm tonight puppy!" Izuku yelled to the blonde.

"I never agreed on pet names!" Katsuki screamed at the greenie. He grumbled and pushed himself off the wall and started walking to class. One thought ran circles in his mind as he walked back into the school.

What did I just agree to?


The day went by fast and before anyone knew it school was over. After Katsuki went to gather his books from his last class he exited the room and ran into a tough chest. Looking up he seen Izuku standing there with a smile plastered on his face.

Izuku knew that the only way to help his friend is for then to have sex and don't get him wrong he is glad to be doing that but he was more happy that Katsuki finally is accepting the hand Izuku has always had held out to him. He loved his childhood friend. He wanted to be with Katsuki more then anything and that is the reason he has yet to choose a mate. Because he wanted Katsuki to be his mate. He hasn't ever told Katsuki that but he hopes he can show him that he loves the blonde tonight and just hopefully he will accept Izuku to be his mate for life.

"Are you ready?" Izuku asked as he followed behind Katsuki. Katsuki stayed quiet and didn't answer so Izuku took that as a no. He must have never had sex before Izuku thought to himself as they walked.

As they entered the dorms Izuku slowly started to smell the sweet smell he had now become addicted to. Katsuki's heat pills were wearing off. Katsuki quickly ran up to his room with Izuku hot on his trail. Once in the room Katsuki dropped his bag and walked over to the bed. Izuku quickly noticed the bluge in his jeans as he laid himself on the dorm bed.

After standing at the door for a second and taking in the sight of the omega that laid on the bed he locked the door and slowly made his way over to Katsuki.

He smirked, "You ready?"

The Unreasonable OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now