Terasaka's wings - bat like ones for his counterpart - gives him the ability to fly, but they easily break or dislocate themselves, so everyone knows first aid for wings, while Okano's delicate claws hold a pencil - the cheetah claws sharp - but make it extremely hard for her to concentrate, since cheetah's are so fast they pretty much have ADHD so they all know how to get her to focus. Kimura has some feathers in his hair, their color blending in with his hair for the most part, from his counterpart - the falcon - though that means he has a hard time grounding himself after he transforms and needs contact. 

There are a lot more - ears, tails, eyes, claws, etc - from other animals, but for the most part everyone knows what everyone is... except for Karma. They know he is something - the amount of times he's complained about a smell or the look he gives them sometimes - but they are not quite sure what, since he's never come out and said it, however he never wears a hat or anything else to suggest what he might be. They know they're getting a lot of trust knowing he can transform and that he even is a hybrid, but they can't help but to long for more, they all feel something more in their chest when he gives them a look, but they don't know what it is, or the safety that surrounds them when he casually leans into their personal space. 

The class is paying attention - except for Karma, who's almost asleep - when the wall to their side explodes, wood and other debris flying inside the building. They all shield themselves, though Korosensei makes sure none of them actually get hit, all of them looking out the giant hole in order to see who and what happened to their wall. Outside stands someone none of them recognize, except for the fact they all acknowledge he's an assassin after Korosensei. 

Karma gets up unnoticed and stalks silently over to the side, peeking around the corner of the giant hole to keep an eye on the assassin without being spotted, captured or anything else he might do to the students. The others all stand, though none of them give Karma away, they all know where he is, and turn to face the assassin.

"I thought the government told all of you that the bounty was null and void if the students were part of the plan."

Korosensei steps through the giant hole, so the students can still see over and around him, so they take this advantage and back further away, though none of them entirely leave the room. The hybrid kids are in front of their classmates, knowing all of them are at least a bit sturdier than the others, though they are well aware that the others can protect themselves, it's instincts. Karma barely swallows a growl when the assassin starts to approach Korosensei.

"Well, they did indeed tell us the bounty was null, but I fancy myself a kid killer, the sounds of their screams, the way the blood pours out, the lovely way they try to escape, the fear in their eyes, but the best thing is... the way you can see the light leave their eyes, oh it's just such a glorious feeling and to be able to have other kids to watch the show, knowing they're next and they can not do anything? That's the best part!"

The assassin starts to laugh, pausing so they can do so, and Korosensei goes to move, but before he has the chance, a can is pulled out and tossed in front of him. It explodes with a powder that is colored a deep blue. They all shield their faces, just in case it's something toxic, and watch, unwilling to leave their teacher alone against this target. 

They all jump when the assassin jumps through the giant hole, wind finally blowing the powder away so they can see that Korosensei is covered in a thick slime like thing. He might be able to escape, but it'll take at least a minute, which is more than enough time for the assassin to do something to all of them, depending on how skilled he is. They watch Korosensei out of the corner of their eyes as he starts to vibrate, while the assassin gets closer. He gives a creepy grin, bloodlust spilling from him freely.

"Now, who to start with? The hybrids? Girls? Boys? Choices, choices, who ever shall I choose? How... about... you?"

The finger pointed at Sugino chills all of them, though the way some of the hybrids move tells the assassin he chose right. Without a second thought, he grabs another can and tosses it at the kids, all of them covering their face. Karma watches all of this, feeling the urge to change, but withholding for now as he watches, focus completely on the asshole who thinks he can get away with trying to hurt Karma's pack. The growl barely stays in his chest as the assassin waits for the powder to clear. 

Karma can't help the alarm that shoots through him when all his classmates are shown, with no extra limbs shown at all. The powder had forced their animal deeper into their mind, where they have no chance of retrieving their animals since they can not concentrate enough to get that deep. As they start to collapse - paralysis mixed into it  - the wolf and he agree that they won't be hurt. Karma decides that the best moment to act will come soon and starts to stalk closer to his prey. The class do everything they can in order to not look at the classmate all of them are trusting to actually save them, since Korosensei is having more troubles then anticipated - all of his tentacles are entangled in rope or wire or something similar, meaning he has to untangle them before he can free his body.

Karma gets closer, closer, and then as the assassin moves, starts to head for his pack, his friends, the most important thing in his life, he growls, the sound tearing itself out of his chest as he lunges, changing as he goes. The assassin only has the chance to turn, coming face to face with large, sharp teeth and fury filled eyed, before he's screaming, those teeth digging into an arm and claws digging into his ribs. The assassin starts to thrash, trying to throw the giant dark red colored wolf off of him, digging his nails into any flesh he can manage. Karma does not falter, just bites harder and tugs, throwing all of his weight against the assassin and dragging him to the floor.

The assassin whimpers when teeth unlock from his arm and bare in front of him, covered in blood and leaking saliva. He tries to wiggle away and manages - if for no other reason than the fact that Karma let's him go, watching him run for his life as he goes, hackles lifted and fully prepared to give chase and end him if he needs to. He stays standing in front of his pack, tense, for several minutes, before he relaxes and starts to head towards them at the same time Korosensei finally cracks the slime and heads for his class, worry on his face. Karma sighs and shifts back, though just barely, and let's his limbs stay out, since the secret is out now anyway.

He heads over and crouches down, checking over all of them with scent, touch and emotion, making sure all of them are okay, hovering just a little bit, and he pays a bit more attention to Sugino, the boys eyes are dulled just a little bit. Karma pauses and - after glancing at the others to make sure Korosensei has them - crouches completely in front of him and drags him to his chest, gently putting the others head under his chin. Sugino may not know the importance of this - he does, but he can't currently register it, not yet, but he will later and use it to relentlessly tease Karma - but he does it,  gently running his hands up and down his arms. 

The class slowly starts to calm, gathering closer to Karma and Sugino, when he appears to break out of it, tears gathering in his eyes and starting to flow over. He gathers chunks of Karma's shirt in his hands and hunkers further into Karma's neck,  soaking his shirt and enjoying the soothing, warm feeling of safety and love surrounding him as he cries, tears escaping his eyes. Karma does not move, simply offers a silent shoulder for him to cry on. 

Everyone watches, with some focusing on the ears and tail they can see on Karma, though mostly focusing on the traumatized Sugino. The cries and sobs start to die down, soothed by the warmth and the scent of something familiar and safe, safe enough that he transforms without thought and cuddles closer. Karma shifts to hold the fox, making sure to keep it comfortable, before turning to the rest of his classmates. They all watch before crowding closer, offering their own comfort where they can.

Sugino falls asleep, surrounded by his family, while Karma is left to be bombarded by his classmates about his form - a wolf with dark red fur and bright orange yellow eyes - and his features, as well as what they need in order to help him if he gets overwhelmed. 

(Sugino absolutely teases Karma about having marked all of them and about being soft, having offered his neck as a safe place for a fox once he feels better a couple of days later, telling the class as a whole that they are all scent marked and getting the joy of watching Karma flush a bright red as their classmates all start tearing up in joy and love.)

Assassination classroom one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now