Eclipse Tooru-Sai

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This is the design of Eclipse's weapon, but the colors are different.

"Oooh, Eclipse check out this magazine!" Ruby Rose squealed. Eclipse Tooru-Sai peeked her head around the shelf of the aisle she was on and walked over to her friend.

The two teens, students at Signal Academy, a school for training young men and women to become huntsmen/huntresses, were spending the evening in a Dust shop after a long day of training. After purchasing more ammo, Eclipse had started to wander around the shop aimlessly until her friend found something worth buying.

"Hmm, nice. I could use some of this stuff and now I know what to get Yang for her birthday," Eclipse said, knowing her friend was waiting for some type of reaction. She blew her hair out of her face as it fell in her sight and grunted in irritation.

"But it's sooo pretty," Ruby said, knowing her friend was once again considering cutting her hair. "Besides, you're the one who refuses to actually cut it."

This was true, but as much as Eclipse loved having long hair, she could see the perks of having short hair like Ruby's.

Eclipse looked much different than the small girl regardless of her long, spiral curly black hair, heterochromic red and black eyes, and dark skin.

Her outfit was much different as well with a dark magenta sleeveless romper, under a black leather jacket with a black and silver crown on the back; her emblem.

She fiddled with one of her many silver studded earrings absentmindedly as she had already almost made a hole in both her fingerless gloves and also one of her stockings.

Ruby nodded and put on her headphones listening to her music. Eclipse smiled and leaned against a shelf listening to the quiet piano music the old shopkeeper had playing, though her enjoyment was short-lived because she soon felt a tap on her shoulder.

She looked up and turned to face the man in front of her. Apparently Ruby was tapped by the same man. He was wearing a fedora and an all black suit, with a red tie. He pointed to his ears and Eclipse turned to Ruby, seeing she still had her headphones on, however she removed them to talk to the man.

"Yes?" Ruby asked.

"I said, put your hands up, now!" the man shouted, sounding angry.

Eclipse glanced at Ruby, silently hoping she wouldn't do anything too stupid.

"Are you... robbing us?" Ruby asked, irritating the man even further.

"Yes!" the man shouted again. He was definitely angry now.

"Ohh," Ruby said before kicking the man into the wall.

Eclipse looked at her shocked and then back at the man before sighing, thinking 'First Yang blew up a nightclub, now this shit. Never a normal day with your family, is it?'

She was pulled out of her thoughts by another man coming around the corner of the shelves, pointing a gun at them and Ruby then throwing him out the window.

Eclipse looked at the determined younger girl and sighed, "Fine. But if we get in legal trouble, you're telling Tai." Before heading to the door, unsheathing her twin swords and sauntering out the entrance.

As she got outside, Ruby was already out there unfolding Crescent Rose into its scythe form, Ruby then smiled before twirling her scythe around, striking it into the ground and turning off her headphones. Eclipse had changed her weapon into its third form(numbered from left to right) and was ready for the fight that her friend had started.

"Okayyy..." Roman said, turning to his remaining henchmen. "Get them!"

The henchmen headed out of the shop and ran at Ruby, who spun around on top of her scythe and kicked the first approaching criminal in the face. She got Crescent Rose out of the ground and fired it off to hit another one with the butt of her weapon, sending him flying. Eclipse then stepped in and brought the side of one sword down on one attacker and quickly dodged the next's gunfire, getting close enough to knock him into the air and follow him upwards so she could beat him away to Roman's feet.

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